Monika Cahynová

Position: Postdoktorand
Phone: +420 272 016 048
Room: 118

Selected publications:

  • Cahynová, Monika ; Huth, Radan, 2010: Circulation vs. climatic changes over the Czech Republic: A comprehensive study based on the COST733 database of atmospheric circulation classifications, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35, 9-12, pp. 422-428
  • Cahynová, Monika ; Huth, Radan, 2009: Enhanced lifetime of atmospheric circulation types over Europe: fact or fiction?, 61, 3, pp. 407-416
  • Cahynová, Monika ; Huth, Radan, 2009: Changes of atmospheric circulation in central Europe and their influence on climatic trends in the Czech Republic, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 96, 1-2, pp. 57-68
  • Huth, Radan ; Beck, Ch. ; Philipp, A. ; Demuzere, M. ; Ustrnul, Z. ; Cahynová, Monika ; Kyselý, Jan ; Tveito, O. E., 2008: Classifications of atmospheric circulation patterns: Recent advances and applications, New York Academy of Sciences. Annals, 1146, pp. 105-152


  • GA ČR. GPP209/12/P811, Dynamic properties of atmospheric circulation types and their relations with air temperature trends, 2012-2014. Investigator: Cahynová, M. Details