
Conference Program

"Ethical Reflection on Local Environmental Issues"

May 24th

10:00 - 11:15
Ruben Apressyan: “Ethical Principles in Environmental Discourse”
Andrei Prokofiev: “Climate Justice and the Politics of Today Russia”


11:45 - 13:15
Andrei Sychev: “Global and Local in Modern Environmental Ethics”
Marina Martynova: “Ethical Principles in Analysis of Environmental Consequences of Railway Smash-ups”

13:30-15:00 Lunch

Vilena Boronnikova: “Regional Environmental Problems in Belarus”
Dmitriy Ermakov: “Sustainable Development and "Local Agenda – 21st"”
Maria Rohozha: “Ethical Issues in Treatment Pets”
Natalia Kalinina: “Ethical Implications of Environmental Problems of Indigenous People at the Russian Far East”.

May 25th

Natalia Khafizova: “Ethical Responsibility of Business. Pavlovo Village versus LUK-Oil-Perm”
Helen Kunderevitch: “Sustainable Development and Environment Related PR”
Ekaterina Koval: “The Case of Lisma Enterprise”


Sergei Volkovinskiy: “Environmental Ethical Aspects Nuclear Power Plants. The Case of Khmelnitskaya NPP”
Anna Guseva: “The Tree or the House: a Megapolis Choice”
Elena Akkash: “Recycling nuclear waste in Ukraine”
Liudmila Loginovskaya: “The Pets Problem in Belarus”
Anastasia Abramenko: “Environmental Sensitivity in Policy-Making”

12:00-13:00 Lunch

Erazim Kohák: “"Ecology" as a Civilizational Problem”
Marie Skýbová: “What is worthy of our moral consideration”
Natalia Zhadunova: “Ethical Dispositions of Radical Environmental groups in Russia”
Elena Tikhonova: “Ethical Foundations of Environmental Policy in Russian Federation”