Ion Micro-beam
Basic idea of this method is focusing of a ion beam on the smallest dimension and scanning on the sample. Ion beam analytical methods are the same as with normal dimensions – classical ion beam methods (RBS, PIXE, PIGE). Ion micro-beam is versatile equipment that allows study of structures with resolution of microns. Compared to electron micro-beam have better detection limits and may study the trace quantity. Moreover one can use micro-beam for other application like proton writing.
Beam characteristic
Objects slits to sample 5m
Objects slits to collimator 4m
Typical current
Objects slits (openning alternativelly) 20x 80 µm2 40- 50 pA
30x120 µm2 70-100 pA
40x160 µm2 100-200 pA
with sputter source 60x240 µm2 50-100 pA
Collimator slits 800x800 µm2
Energy (standart) 2 MeV
Other tested from 0.8 MeV to 2.6 MeV (11.5 MeV for C4+ )
Ions (tested) H+, He+,C4+
Typical brightness (2 MeV protons)
Duoplasmatron 0.4 pA/µm2 mr2 MeV
Cs sputter source 0.1 pA/µm2 mr2 MeV