I work in the field of studies of science and technology. I am interested in contemporary changes of academic and HE institutions, the role of expertise in environmental issues and the reflexive travel of knowledge between science and society. My research draws on qualitative poststructuralist branches of social sciences (sociology, social anthropology, science and technology studies). Since 2008 I collaborate with a NGO Green Circle on a research and advocacy project developing new modes of collaboration between NGOs, the public and the academic sector.
XI/2004–VI/2005 Institute for Advanced Studies on Science, Technology and Society, Graz, Austria
VIII–X/2004 Centre de sociologie de l’innovation, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
I am a member of editorail board of Biograf, a journal for qualitative sociology, and a co.founder of www.sshstudies.net for research on social sciences and humanities.
I am a member of a newly established Czech association for social antropology.
Since February 2009 I am a member of Czech Commission for genetically modified organisms and products by the Ministry of Environment CR.