Analysis of low number of women in political decision-making functions

Issued by:
Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí ČR
Time of researching the project:
2004 - 2004
Project offered complex analysis of low proportion of women in political decision-making functions. Main focus points were: institutional framework of female participation, social and economic structures and conditions, political culture in political parties and in general. Aside from this analysis the project also presented sociological survey of public opinion towards involvement of women in politics and survey of Czech political scene on national as well as regional level in this regard. Special attention was paid to description of mechanisms of candidate selection within political parties, which in this context proofs to be the key element. Project also aimed at suggestion of possible solutions (e.g. adoption of parity law, intraparty quotas, and governmental campaign targeted towards the public, political mentoring etc.) and attitudes of public as well as politicians – both male and female towards these possible solutions.


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  • PhDr. Petra Rakušanová Guasti, M.A., Ph.D.
  • Political Sociology
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  • 210 310 204