Workshop 11 Questions


Prague Workshop on Logics of Questions

October 26-27, 2011

organized by

the Department of Logic,  Institute of Philosophy,
 Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic,
Jilská 1, Prague 

The workshop was focused on alternative approaches to questions in various logical systems.




10:00-11:20 Jeroen Groenendijk  and Floris Roelofsen(Amsterdam), A first-order inquisitive witness semantics
11:20-11:40 coffee break
11:40-13:00 Stefan Minica  (Amsterdam), Designing Query Strategies via Dynamic Epistemic Logic

14:30-15:50 Michal Pelis and Ondrej Majer (Prague), Multi-agent Epistemic Logic with Questions
15:50-17:20 discussion


10:00-11:20 Andrzej Wisniewski (Poznan), Inquisitive Semantics Meets Inferential Erotetic Logic
11:20-11:40 coffee break
11:40-13:00 Mariusz Urbanski  (Poznan), Inferential erotetic logic meets proof theory

14:30-15:50 Pawel Lupkowski (Poznan), Modelling information seeking dialogues with IEL. Interfaces of databases and information systems
15:50-16:00 coffee break
16:00-17:20 Emmanuel J. Genot and Justine Jacot (Lund), How can questions be informative before they are answered? Strategic Information in Interrogative Games


AKC, Husova 4a, 110 00 Praha 1



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