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CERN COURIER, Sept 27, 2012.

Jan Hladký, an experimental...

www.fjfi.cz, 7.8.2011.

The Seventh International Conference...

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

Electronic correlations in the vicinity of spin state transition

Seminar Thursday, 01/11/2012 14:00

Speakers: Jan Kuneš
Place: Seminary room at the Library of the Institute of Physics ASCR, Cukrovarnická 10, Praha 6
Presented in English
Organisers: Department of Magnetics and Superconductors

In strongly correlated materials the local charge fluctuations are strongly suppressed and a single atomic multiplet typically dominates among the states visited by any given atom. In some materials, however, several multiplets may happen to be competing giving rise to strong temperature dependence of physical quantities, such as the magnetic susceptibility or conductivity. Cobaltites of the LaCoO3 family are a well known example. We use the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) to investigate these effects using a minimal 2-band Hubbard model as well as multi-band models of LaCoO3 and SrCoO3 obtained from ab-initio band structures.

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