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Institute of Ethnology: Cultural identity and cultural regionalism in the process of forming the ethnic picture of Europe

Institute of Ethnology of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Cultural identity and cultural regionalism in the process of forming the ethnic picture of Europe

The research intention focuses on the understanding of the Czech society and its culture in relation to other European and other–than–European nations. Through investigation of local, regional, national and minority cultures, it wants to contribute to the creation of a picture of a multi–national Europe with its unique and special features, cultural stereotypes and shared features. It understands them as a result of complex historical, social and cultural processes, exchanges and contacts. It wishes to prove this fact based on a study of ethnological, cultural/historical and folklore materials. The key interest of the musical/historical studies will be a research of the sources of the musical culture in the Czech lands in the period of 17th – 20th centuries focused especially on the music of the 18th century, key personalities and musical genres in the 19th century and on the development of music in the Czech lands in the 20th century.