The research area of the department is focused mainly on study of magnetic and transport properties of nanosized materials (nanoparticles and nanocomposites, carbon-based nanoparticles) and systems with strongly correlated electrons. The key experimental centers of the department are the Joint Laboratory for Magnetic Studies and the Joint Low Temperature Laboratory.
Department research activities include:
- studies of magnetic properties of (super)paramagnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications
- studies of magnetic and transport properties of carbon-based nanomaterials (nanotubes, graphene, hybrid systems of graphene-nanoparticles)
- studies of anisotropy in magnetic and transport properties on systems with correlated 4f and 5f electrons
- characterization of nanostructures and detection of magnetic moments by the Scanning Probe Microscopy techniques (AFM/MFM)
- studies of ionic valence states, local symmetry, defects in crystal lattice, magnetic ordering and phase composition using the Mössbauer spectroscopy 57Fe in wide temperature range and magnetic fields up to 6 T
- research of cryogenic fluid dynamics
- studies of materials under extreme conditions (high pressures up to 12 GPa, ultralow temperatures < 100 mK, magnetic fields up to 14 T, pulsed magnetic field up to 80 T in cooperation with Hochfeld-Magnetlabor in Dresden)
- studies of structure and magnetic ordering with use of neutron diffraction, magnetic circular dichroism and other methods based on the scattering of synchrotron radiation
Department head: RNDr. Jana Vejpravová, Ph.D.
e-mail: vejpravo
fzu [dot] cz
telephone: +420 226 052 616
Deputy head of department: Ing. Josef Šebek, Ph.D.
e-mail: sebek
fzu [dot] cz
telephone:: +420 221 912 772
Secretary: Romana Pohořalá
e-mail: pohorala
fzu [dot] cz
telephone:: +420 226 052 416