White Nose Syndrome: Can Czech Bats Help American Bats?

20 Jan 2012
An Article by Czech Scientists in the Journal of Wildlife Diseases
Scientists from Moravian workplaces have proved that bats here suffer from white-nose syndrome, a fungal disease that is threatening the ecosystem in North America. In the Czech Republic as well as in other parts of Europe, bats with this syndrome die only very rarely and the disease has not yet caused a decline in the population numbers. Uncovering the cause of ‘European immunity’ could save North American bats and avert also the disruption of the biological balance in that part of the world.
My Meeting with Václav Havel

20 Dec 2011
New Laboratories for Polymer Research Named after Otto Wichterle

4 Nov 2011
The scientists of the Otto Wichterle Centre of Polymer Materials and Technologies (CPMT OW) Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry (ÚMCH) of the Academy of Sciences of the CR are beginning to work in new laboratories. They were ceremonially opened on Thursday, 3rd November 2011 within the Open House Days of the Institutes (3–4 November), which are in the programme of the Science and Technology Week (STW) festival. On this occasion, the director of the institute František Rypáček emphasised the fundamental importance of polymers for modern man. They have penetrated into electronics, pharmacy and medicine and are becoming indispensible for us.
The Discovery of the Principle of Timing the Activation of Memories in the Brain

30 Sep 2011
Discussions on Wheat Improvement in Paris

16 Sep 2011
Profesor Holý celebrated his 75th birthday in the new laboratories

2 Sep 2011
On Thursday, 1 September 2011 at 10 A.M., the reconstructed building of biochemistry of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the ASCR, dedicated to Prof. Antonín Holý, who celebrated his birthday that day, had its grand opening. The Jubilee celebrant attended the opening of the peak laboratories in person despite a serious illness. President of the Academy of Sciences of the CR Prof. Jiří Drahoš wished Prof. Holý particularly plenty of good health and emphasised that ‘besides the basic conditions like genius, intuition and luck, exceptional results of scientific work are always based on systematic and long-term basic research’.
Astronaut Andrew Feustel in the Czech Republic

10 Aug 2011
Czech researcher Professor Blanka Říhová has been nominated for European Inventor Award 2011

4 Mar 2011
Professor Blanka Říhová from Czech Academy of Sciences has been nominated for European Inventor Award 2011 in lifetime achievement category. Blanka Říhová, currently Head of Department of Immunology and Gnotobiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (2000 – 2007, Director of the Institute of Microbiology in Prague, Czech Republic), and her team have, in close collaboration with the team of professor Karel Ulbrich, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic strived to develop a more targeted treatment with positive results.
IOCHB at EXPO 2010

26 Oct 2010
An exposition of the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR at the international fair EXPO 2010 belongs, without a doubt, to the biggest lures of the event in Shanghai. It presents an international success of prof. Holý's team in a treatment of AIDS. The growing interest of visitors in the exposition led to an organization of a special scientific seminar which will take place on 23.9. 2010 in the Expo forum and which will be presenting Czech science, especially a research at the Institute of organic chemistry and biochemistry.
Membrane lipids and cytoskeleton dynamics are intimately interconnected in plant cells

21 May 2010
Membrane lipids and cytoskeleton dynamics are intimately interconnected in the eukaryotic cell, but only recently have the molecular mechanisms operating at this interface in plant cells been addressed experimentally.