gender / rovné příležitosti / výzkum

Vydává Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.
Výzkumné oddělení 'Gender & sociologie' Sociologického ústavu" Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i

Petra Ezzeddine:
Mateřství na dálku. Transnacionální mateřství ukrajinských migrantek v České republice [24]

« ročník 13, číslo 1/2012

Abstract: The Czech Republic is chosen by Ukrainian transnational mothers as a destination for their economic migration, mainly because it is possible, due to the geographical distance, to conduct a circulation migration between the two countries. The life “here” and “there” and the mobility of female labor migration gives, on the one hand, Ukrainian mothers the possibility of coordinating productive and reproductive work but, on the other hand, they are “trapped” in the net of unskilled work, and it is hard for them to get a stable job position. I analyze how gender operates in transnational spaces, and what impacts it has on the experience of motherhood. I describe how transnational Ukrainian mothers narratively construct and emphasize their experiences with transnational motherhood.

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