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Project: Effects of solar variability on the atmospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere and the South American climate on interannual to millenial timescales
1. Identification of effects of solar variability on tropospheric circulation in the Southern Hemisphere, with emphasis on southern South America, in terms of modes of variability (teleconnections) and classifications of circulation patterns. 2. Analysis of the relation between solar variability and climate in the Southern South America and particularly in Argentina in the instrumental period and in the last millenium, based on proxy data (lake sediments, tree rings), using advanced mathematical methods (wavelet analysis, coherence analysis, phase synchronization, multichannel singular spectrum analysis). 3. Analysis of the relationship of solar activity to the El Nino / Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon, and of the modulation of solar effects on climate in southern South America by ENSO, both in observed and proxy data.
Funded by: MŠMT. 7AMB12AR019
Duration: 2012-2013
Investigator: Huth, R.
Tým: Novotná Dagmar
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