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Project: Exploitation of remote sensing means for modelling and monitoring of convective storms
Proposed project focuses on the development of techniques designed to the construction of regional ensembles to express the quantitative precipitation (QP) uncertainty in forecasting heavy convective rainfalls. Validation techniques, utilizing radar and satellite data, will be applied to the outputs of a high resolution non-hydrostatic NWP model. The project aims at the quantification of QP uncertainty by the development and assessment of a regional ensemble prediction system. The investigated methods will be applied to storm events from the Czech territory and will be concentrated on area precipitation for the geographical structure of Czech river basins. Satellite data are the primary source of information about processes, occurring at tops of convective storms; radar observations are utilized less often here. Observations of the latest generation of geostationary satellites indicate close links between the individually observed storm top characteristics and phenomena. The main topic of the second part of the project will be complex study of various storm top phenomena and processes, utilizing remote sensing tools; its main goal will be higher degree of interpretation of the satellite observations and better understanding of the observed phenomena.
Příjemce: ÚFA, Spolupříjemce: ČHMÚ
Funded by: GA ČR. GA205/07/0905
Duration: 2007-2011
Investigator: Sokol, Z.
Tým: Zacharov P.,
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