Name: Noninvasive physical monitoring of molecular interactions in regulation of gene expression
Sponsor: Czech Science Foundation
Principal investigator: Prof. Josef Štěpánek, Ph.D.
Co-principal investigator: Assoc. Prof. Jiří Homola, Ph.D., DSc.; Ivan Rosenberg, Ph.D.
From: 2005-01-01
To: 2007-12-31

Advanced optical methods capable to diagnose sensitively biomolecular interactions in small quantities without the interaction site labeling, will be developed and applied to study of nucleic acid – protein interactions, in particular those playing important role in regulation of gene expression and/or in „antisense“ therapy. Formation, structure and biochemical activity of enzyme – nucleic acid complexes in respect to the base sequence and/or nucleotide modification will be studied on selected cleavage and regulation enzymes. Methodological developments will comprise (i) technical and mathematical solution for precise Raman spectroscopy in nmol quantities, (ii) construction of high-resolution surface plasmon resonance sensor systém with up to eight real-time observation channels, (iii) design of complex biomolecular interaction models considering effect of hydrodynamic conditions, (iv) preparation of structurally diverse sugar – phosphate backbone modified oligodeoxynucleotides.