Centre for Theoretical Study

Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
(vchod z Husovy 4)
Tel.: (+420) 222 220 671-2
Fax: (+420) 222 220 653
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Director: doc. David Storch, Ph.D.
Deputy Director: Ing. Ivan Chvatík, dr.h.c.
Center for Theoretical Study (CTS) was established in 1990, and has following aims:
- to perform high quality theoretical research in diverse fields, ranging from the humanities through the exact sciences;
- to stimulate transdisciplinary approaches to science, encouraging new ways of interaction and cooperation between disciplines;
- to sustain a stimulating environment for young scientists (Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows) whose research is not confined to a narrow scientific specialization;
- to create an inspiring environment for visiting scholars from abroad;
- to provide a forum for contacts and interactions between scholars from different disciplines;
- to establish links between Charles University and the Academy of Sciences
Supervisory Institutions: Charles University in Prague, Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic