Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Středa, 11.09.2013 10:00

Christophe Ballif (head of Photovoltaics and thin film electronics laboratory at EPFL-IMT, and director of CSEM PV-Center in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.)

In the thin film silicon solar cell technology, remarkable improvements and novel device design should allow for low production costs of solar modules with efficiency 10-11% in the range of 0.35-0.4€/Wp. The advantage of low cost and abundant materials has to be leveraged by clever solar park designs to compete with technologies with higher efficiency. Challenges to reach efficiencies of devices over 16% will be discussed.

Čtvrtek, 12.09.2013 14:00

Pavel Novák

Calculation of the crystal field parameters (CFP) of the rare-earth (RE) ions in solids is a formidable problem and until recently no robust ab-initio method to calculate them was available. The main problem is that in most approaches the 4f electrons of RE are allowed to interact with the nonspherical electron density they create themselves and this false selfinteraction completely distorts the crystal field. The second problem is that no ab-initio method is capable to determine correctly hybridization of the 4f levels with ligand electron states.

Středa, 18.09.2013 15:00 - 16:00

Cedric Rocha Leao (Federal University of ABC, Santo André, Brazil)

Functioning in a similar way to photovoltaics, semiconductors have been shown to work effectively as radiation detectors, capable of accuracy that allows even the identification of the isotope source of the radiation. The materials most suitable for that purpose, however, require high costs of fabrication or operation, severely limiting their large scale application for ends that go from medical to national security.

Minulé semináře

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Marina Davydova Nová generace senzorů toxických plynů 21.02.2012 13:00
Antonín Klíč Mean-field Theory of Potts Glass Revised 14.02.2012 15:00
Stefano Bonora New deformable mirror technologies 08.02.2012 11:00
Mael Guennou Homogeneization of electromechanical properties of relaxor-based single-crystals 07.02.2012 10:00
J. Hlinka Ferroelectric Photovoltaics - Fact, fiction, hype ... or hope ? 26.01.2012 15:00
Olivier Isnard The determination of multiple cation location and ordering: example on natural and heat treated columbites 18.01.2012 15:00
Jan Lorinčík Aplikace metody SIMS v materialovem vyzkumu 17.01.2012 10:00
Prof. Max Klein Particle Physics in Transition 11.01.2012 15:00
Daniel Kramer a Pavel Bakule Science Café s ELI Beamlines 10.01.2012 19:00
RNDr. Kateřina Kůsová, Ph.D. Blikání křemíkových nanokrystalů 10.01.2012 10:30
RNDr. Jiří Rákosník, CSc. Audit výzkumu, vývoje a inovací v ČR provedený firmou Technopolis: co z něho plyne a co můžeme očekávat v budoucnu 05.01.2012 15:30
Jiří Grygar Astronomické pozadí Nobelovy ceny za fyziku 20.12.2011 15:00
Thomas Pruschke Téma: Monte-Carlo Approach to Stationary Non-equilibrium of Mesoscopic Systems 15.12.2011 15:00
Eva Nováková Poškodenie plazmidovej DNA vyvolané nanosekundovými pulzmi XUV žiarenia 14.12.2011 13:00
Klaus Wandelt Electrochemical Surface Science 13.12.2011 15:00
Introduction on Geant4: an all-particle Monte Carlo transport code 12.12.2011 15:00
Lucia Baťková Kalibrace určení náboje b-jetů pomocí dijetových případů v experimentu ATLAS 09.12.2011 13:30
prof. Jiří Chýla, CSc. Příliš rychlá neutrina? 07.12.2011 15:00
Robert Dittmer & Wook Jo Recent progress in the research of lead-free piezoceramics at TU Darmstadt 07.12.2011 10:00
Laurent Bellaiche Ferroelectric vortices from atomistic simulations 06.12.2011 10:00
Hans Ulrich Fuchs A Dynamical Theory of Heat – Using and Understanding Thermodynamics 01.12.2011 14:00
Lars Bergqvist Suppression of Standing Spin Waves in Low-dimensional Ferromagnets 29.11.2011 15:00
Prof. Dr. Lukas M. Eng Multiferroics: Wide-bandgap semiconductors with challenging applications 24.11.2011 15:00
Technologický transfer a ochrana duševního vlastnictví ve FZÚ 23.11.2011 14:00
Ingo Dierking Polymer stabilized liquid crystals 18.11.2011 10:00
Robert Turanský Matematický zápis Maxwellových rovníc 16.11.2011 15:00
Ivan Štich Quantum Monte-Carlo modeling of electronic correlation: Gound- and excited electronic states 15.11.2011 15:00
R. Turanský a I. Štich Azobenzene: From electronic structure to molecular switching 14.11.2011 15:00

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