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doc. RNDr. Jiří Dědina, CSc., DSc.

dedina.jpgHe graduated in physical chemistry from the Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague (1969) and in 1975 he defended his CSc. (Candidate of Sciences) dissertation "Applications of Nuclear Overhauser Effect for Structural organic Chemistry". Since 1974 he works in Complex of Biomedical Institutes at Krc Prague: in Institute of Physiology, Institute of Nuclear Biology and Radiochemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences and since 1993 in Institute of Analytical Chemistry of the AS CR. At the Institute, he has been the head of department of trace element analysis (since 1993) and a member of the Scientific Council (since 2007, vice-chairman since 2012). Since 1985 until 2006, he spent 35 months in collaborating laboratories in Sweden, Germany, Italy, Greece, Canada, Turkey, Brazil and South Africa. In 2008, he received a degree DSc. (Doctor of Sciences) in analytical chemistry and was appointed as associated professor of analytical chemistry at Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague. There he acts as an external lecturer and a supervisor of master degree students, PhD students and co-supervisor of PhD students from foreign universities.
Current research interests of Jiří Dědina include (i) generation and collection of volatile compounds for trace and ultratrace element analysis and for speciation analysis and (ii) atomization of volatile compounds for atomic absorption and atomic fluorescence spectrometry. He is an author of a monograph on hydride generation (over 400 citations), several book chapters, 65 papers in impacted journals and 7 patents. Around 1300 citations of his journal and book publications without self-citations according to SCI (h-index 23). He presented around 38 invited lectures at important international conferences. He has been a principal investigator of six grant projects of Czech Science Foundation (GACR) and of Grant agency of AS CR and foreign co-principal investigator of two grant projects sponsored by NIH/FIRCA (USA) and UNC School of Public Health (USA). In 1998, he was awarded by the Ioannes Marcus Marci Medal from the Spectroscopic Society of Ioannes Marcus Marci.


+420 296 442 490
