Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


← Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 6/2011

Hynek Jeřábek:
Merton and Lazarsfeld: Collaboration on Communication Research—Two Papers, Two Research Instruments, and Two Kindred Concepts [1191]

Jeřábek, Hynek. 2011. „Merton and Lazarsfeld: Collaboration on Communication Research—Two Papers, Two Research Instruments, and Two Kindred Concepts.“ Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 47 (6): 1191-1214


Abstract: This article attempts to thoroughly map the cooperation between R. K. Merton and P. F. Lazars feld on communication research in the 1940s. Merton mainly gained fame for his work on theory and Lazarsfeld for his work on methodology, but this article is not interested in the important research results attained by the two researchers independently or in cooperation with other researchers. It concentrates solely on the demonstrable results of their collaboration. The interpersonal influence of the two researchers was key to the development of their concepts, research tools, and theoretical generalisations. Their collaboration in the field of communication research led to the creation of two interlinked research methods—the programme analyser and the focused interview. The conclusions they reached on communication theory in two papers they wrote together and the pair of sociological concepts, ‘opinion leaders’ and ‘influentials’, that they developed in the field of interpersonal communication are both still widely used and elaborated on today.
Keywords: opinion leaders, influentials, focused interview, programme analyser,Robert K. Merton, Paul. F. Lazarsfeld, communication research
Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review, 2011, Vol. 47, No. 6: 1191–1214


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