Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

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CERN COURIER, Sept 27, 2012.

Jan Hladký, an experimental...

www.fjfi.cz, 7.8.2011.

The Seventh International Conference...

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...


Seminar / Wed, 11/09/2013 - 10:00

Christophe Ballif (head of Photovoltaics and thin film electronics laboratory at EPFL-IMT, and director of CSEM PV-Center in Neuchâtel, Switzerland.)

In the thin film silicon solar cell technology, remarkable improvements and novel device design should allow for low production costs of solar modules with efficiency 10-11% in the range of 0.35-0.4€/Wp. The advantage of low cost and abundant materials has to be leveraged by clever solar park designs to compete with technologies with higher efficiency. Challenges to reach efficiencies of devices over 16% will be discussed.

Seminar / Wed, 18/09/2013 - 15:00 - 16:00

Cedric Rocha Leao (Federal University of ABC, Santo André, Brazil)

Functioning in a similar way to photovoltaics, semiconductors have been shown to work effectively as radiation detectors, capable of accuracy that allows even the identification of the isotope source of the radiation. The materials most suitable for that purpose, however, require high costs of fabrication or operation, severely limiting their large scale application for ends that go from medical to national security.

Past events

Seminar / Thu, 13/10/2011 - 15:00

Quantum physics without observers and paradoxes?

Seminar / Thu, 13/10/2011 - 14:00

AFM based characterization of inorganic and organic semiconductor nanostructures

Seminar / Wed, 12/10/2011 - 15:00

The extreme cold in the service of science

Seminar / Wed, 12/10/2011 - 13:45

Structure, luminescence and thermoelectric properties of silicon-silicide nanoheterostructures with buried nanocrystals

Seminar / Wed, 12/10/2011 - 13:00

Thermoelectrical properties of silicon double heterostructures with buried magnesium silicide two-dimensional structures

Conference / Fri, 07/10/2011 - 09:00

Towards CP Violation in Neutrino Physics

Conference / Wed, 05/10/2011 - 08:00

ELI-Beamlines Scientific Challenges

Seminar / Tue, 04/10/2011 - 15:00

Enriched and high-order finite elements for large, accurate ab initio electronic structure calculations

Seminar / Tue, 04/10/2011 - 13:00

Electronic processes occurring in solids irradiated by ultra-short XUV/Vis laser pulses: theory and computer simulations

Seminar / Fri, 30/09/2011 - 10:00

Multiscale study of magnetism at the nanoscale: highlighting spin-orbit induced phenomena

Seminar / Tue, 27/09/2011 - 14:30

Cw and Pulsed ESR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Centers in Porous Materials

Conference / Tue, 20/09/2011 - 09:30

String Field Theory 2011

Seminar / Tue, 16/08/2011 - 10:00

Fundamentals of MR-RA scaling: TMR and GMR

Seminar / Wed, 10/08/2011 - 10:00

InAs Spinfilter Cascades

Seminar / Tue, 02/08/2011 - 10:00

Spin-orbital effects in Mott-Hubbard optical bands in LaMnO3

Conference / Mon, 25/07/2011 - 09:00

Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics

Seminar / Mon, 18/07/2011 - 17:00

Microscopic friction and diffusion of surface adsorbed molecules measured in real time by neutron scattering

Seminar / Fri, 15/07/2011 - 10:00

Rare-Earth Nitrides: Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Semiconductors

Workshop / Wed, 13/07/2011 - 13:00

The 9th Ad-Hoc workshop on Jana2006

Seminar / Tue, 12/07/2011 - 10:00

Electron dynamics and transport in nanocrystalline CdS studied by time-resolved THz spectroscopy

Workshop / Mon, 27/06/2011 - 09:00

The 8th Ad-Hoc workshop on Jana2006

Seminar / Thu, 23/06/2011 - 15:00

Our emigrants from the department of high energy physics of the Institute of Physics of the CSAS after 1968

Seminar / Thu, 23/06/2011 - 10:00

Phonon modes and ferroelectric domains in PbTiO3 thin films

Seminar / Tue, 21/06/2011 - 15:00

Modern statistical thermodynamics of fluids: State of the art, problems, and prospects

Seminar / Tue, 21/06/2011 - 14:00

Surface growth defects in PVD coatings

Seminar / Thu, 16/06/2011 - 15:00

Measurements of low energy radiation and other enhancements of the Pierre Auger Observatory

Seminar / Tue, 14/06/2011 - 15:00

Magnetic materials in sustainable energy

Seminar / Mon, 13/06/2011 - 10:00

Coupling with a multiferroic BiFeO3: control under electric field

Seminar / Thu, 09/06/2011 - 15:00

TeX: New trends in development

The Dvořák Lecture / Wed, 08/06/2011 - 15:00

Superfluid Helium-3: From very low Temperatures to the Big Bang

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