

Jiří Dolanský - winner of FameLab

The winner of the Czech national FameLab final is JIŘÍ DOLANSKÝ, Charles University Prague / Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, ASCR, v.v.i., Řež. More information here.


IMEBORON conference

IIC is preparing conference on boron chemistry IMEBORON XV that will be held in August 2014 in Prague, Czech Republic. Detailed information could be provided by B. Gruner


SACSESS, EU project

On March 1, 2013, a three-year collaborative project within  7. F.P. , SACSESS, "Safety of ACtinide SEparation ProceSSes" has been run.  The project coordinator is Dr. Stéphane Bourg, CEA Marcoule, France;  IIC is one of 26 project partners.

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