Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 3/2009

Obsah čísla


Michael L. Smith:
The Inequality of Participation: Re-examining the Role of Social Stratification and Post-Communism on Political Participation in Europe [487]

Alena Křížková, Hana Maříková, Radka Dudová, Zdeněk Sloboda:
The Conditions of Parenthood in Organisations: An International Comparison [519]

Jan Drahokoupil:
Internationalisation of the State in the Czech Republic: Igniting the Competition for Foreign Investment in the Visegrád Four Region [549]

Umut Korkut:
Reversing the Wave: The Perverse Effects of Economic Liberalism on Human Rights [571]

Lukáš Novotný:
Right-wing Extremism and No-go-areas in Germany [591]


Iván Szelényi:
János Kornai: From Socialism to Capitalism [611]

Kristin Nickel Makszin:
Stephan Haggard – Robert Kaufman: Development, Democracy, and Welfare States: Latin America, East Asia, and Eastern Europe [615]

Achim Goerres:
Asghar Zaidi: The Well-Being of Older People in Ageing Societies [619]

Timo Weishaupt:
David Rueda: Social Democracy Inside Out. Partisanship and Labor Market Policy in Industrialized Democracies [622]

Hilke Brockmann:
A.B. Atkinson: The Changing Distribution of Earnings in OECD Countries [625]

Heiko Pleines:
Scott Gehlbach: Representation through Taxation. Revenue, Politics and Development in Postcommunist States [627]

Umut Korkut:
Agnes Batory: The Politics of EU Accession Ideology, Party Strategy and the European Question in Hungary [630]

Lisa Adkins:
Elaine Weiner: Market Dreams: Gender, Class and Capitalism in the Czech Republic [633]

Andrew Roberts:
Kevin Deegan-Krause: Elected Affinities: Democracy and Party Competition in Slovakia and the Czech Republic [635]

Tim Elrick:
Holger Kolb – Henrik Egbert (eds.): Migrants and Markets. Perspectives from Economics and the Other Social Sciences [637]

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