Sociologický časopis
Czech sociological review


← Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 1/2010

Petr Sunega, Martin Lux:
Segmentace českých domácností a orientační prognóza počtu domácností ve vybraných právních formách bydlení a typech zástavby do roku 2020 [3]

Sunega, Petr, Martin Lux. 2010. „Segmentace českých domácností a orientační prognóza počtu domácností ve vybraných právních formách bydlení a typech zástavby do roku 2020.“ Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review 46 (1): 3-42

Abstract: In many advanced countries housing consumption plays a significant role in the social stratification of households. First, the article sets out to determine whether during the transformation period significant differentiation of housing consumption occurred and social stratification became linked to stratification by housing consumption. In other words, whether alongside the ‘standard’ criteria (age, education, income, and other socio-economic variables) influencing the stratification of Czech households it is also necessary to take into account the type and quality of housing. Second, in relation to these findings on stratification, Czech households are segmented into 12 segments. The article then makes some general prognoses for each household segment regarding the number of households in selected forms of housing and types of housing development for 2020. These prognoses showed that if ‘optimistic’ outlooks for economic development are met and Czech citizens’ housing preferences remain constant, there could be a substantial increase compared to today in the share of Czech households living in family homes and even to a certain excess of supply of rental flats over demand.

Keywords: housing, consumption, housing classes, segmentation, prognoses, Czech Republic.

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