Eduroam in Institute of Computer Science

Project eduroam ( EDUcation RAOMing ) is the international project, which interconnets research and educational institutions in Europe and enables access to WiFi networks in participated institutions. National Czech Eduroam Portal there is a list of participating institutions in Czech  Republic. . International Eduroam Portal gives you informations about Eduroam project in Europe.

How to connect

Three basic requirements must be fulfilled if you want to connect to eduroam.
  1. Your home organization must be connected to eduroam.

  2. You must have your account in your home organization, which is used for connection to eduroam.
    Usually it is name and password or name and certificate. It depends on your home organization.
    Please, read your home information about eduroam.

  3. You must have your mobile computer set up for connection to eduroam.
    The connection can be established by means of wi-fi or ethernet.


Technical parameters of our Access Points

  • SSID: eduroam
  • Authentication: 802.1x
  • Security WPA
  • Encryption TKIP
  • IP addresses: IPv4,NAT, public
  • Access to some ports can be limited by firewall.
  • Eduroam is not directly interconnected with ICS intranet
Eduroam is accessible in rooms Nb. 109, 318, 419 , in rooms of  libraries of Institute of Computer Science and  Oriental Institute in our building. There is also limited access in surrounding rooms.

More detailed description in Czech is here.


name and  logo eduroam are registred marks ofi TERENA.