Umění / Art 2013–3

Umění / Art 2013–3

A recently discovered list of contracts signed with artists who worked on Albrecht of Wallenstein's palace in Prague is presented in the new issue of Umění/Art by Barbora Klipcová and Petr Uličný in the article "Domenico Pugliani: A New Face in the History of Wallenstein Palace in Prague". Do not miss the other topics: a copyright dispute in 1897 – Ohmann versus Grisebach, or the battle over modern architecture: August Perret versus Le Corbusier – Le Corbusier versus Karel Teige.

The Tower Watchman ( on the cover of this issue) appears to be a unique work of its kind in Europe. A romantic interpretation of the sculpture found the Tower Watchman reminiscent of the hunchback in Victor Hugo's novel. However, the idea that the Watchman is a Prague version of the hideous Quasimodo must be ruled out. A hitherto overlooked fragment of a right hand, from its small size seemingly that of a child, sticks out of the hair on the Watchman's forehead. In all likehood it belonged to a now destroyed figure that used to be on the back of the sculpture.

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