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19 Jun 09 - 5 Apr 14
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O ústavu Výzkum Studium Knihovna Časopis Aktuality Nabídka práce Hledání
Vstup do intranetu
Jiri Janacek, RNDr, PhD
Lucie Kubinova, RNDr, PhD
Zuzana Burdikova, Mgr, PhD
Martin Capek, Ing, PhD
Alexandr Cernavsky, MSc
Petr Karen, MD, PhD
Jan Michalek, Ing, PhD
Radek Pelc, RNDr, DPhil
Barbora Radochova, RNDr, PhD
Technical Assistants:
Alena Dedicova
Jaroslav Vorlicek





A: S3-D reconstruction of chick mesonephros (aorta and posterior cardinal vein are marked in red, collecting tubules and Wolffian duct in green, secreting tubules in yellow, glomeruli in blue) In cooperation with Dr. M. Jirkovska, 1st Faculty of  Medicine, Charles University in Prague and I. Naprstkova, Institute of Experimental Medicine, AS CR.
B: Surface rendering of crocodile embryo. In cooperation with Dr. M. Kundrat, Geological Institute SAS, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia.
C: Surface rendering of capillary bed in terminal villi of human placenta. In cooperation with Dr. M. Jirkovska, 1st Faculty of  Medicine, Charles University in Prague.

