Abstract |
Recently discovered brain-born and brain acting neuropeptides attenuating food intake such as prolactin-releasing peptide (PrRP) and cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide represent new possibilities in development of future anti-obesity or anti-diabetes agents.
In this project, peptide analogs of above mentioned neuropeptides will be studied in order to find analogs with increased stability and long-lasting effect. Synthesized analogues will be subjected to binding and functional tests in cell lines including mapping of cell signaling. The most potent agonists will be tested in mice for their short-term effect on food intake, pain and anxiety, as well as for long-term effects in mice with diet-induced obesity with metabolic syndrome and A-ZIP mice with lipoatrophic diabetes. Pharmacokinetics of these compounds in organism will be monitored as well.
Key words:
Neuropeptides, metabolic syndrome, food intake regulation, pharmacokinetics, mouse models of obesity and diabetes