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Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Stefan Michael Newerkla


newerkla.jpgAfter his final exams at the Humanistic Grammar School in Zwettl, he studied Slavic philology, English and American studies at Vienna University and obtained his PhD degree from the same university with a monograph on diglossia in the educational system of the Czech lands using the example of Pilsen during the years 1740–1918. He received his venia legendi (habilitation) in 2003 with a monograph on language contact between Czech, Slovak and German as well as an etymological dictionary of German loanwords in Czech and Slovak. Moreover, he won the competition for the professorshipin West Slavic Linguistics at the Department of Slavonic Studies of Vienna University in the same year.
So far, he has published three monographs and more than 75 original scientific papers, he co-authored text and exercise books on Czech and several other scientific books, initiated and managed several scientific projects. At the moment, he is member of the Senate of Vienna University, chairperson of the Curriculum Committee of Vienna University, external member of the Academy Assembly of AS CR, Executive Board member of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) and the bilateral Study and Research Grant program AKTION, member of the Working Group for Philology and Literary Science of the Accreditation Commission of the Czech Republic (ACCR), member of several scientific boards (i. a. of the Collegium Bohemicum in Ústí nad Labem) and co-chairman of the Standing Conference of Austrian and Czech historians on common cultural heritage by the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Austrian Foreign Ministry (BMEIA). Moreover, he his member of several advisory boards of scientific journals, i. a. the Czech journals Česká literatura, SPFFBU A (Linguistica brunensia), Studies in Applied Linguistics (SALi), Listy filologické (Folia philologica) and Slovo a slovesnost, and acts as reviewer for several grant agencies (i. a. GACR, DFG, VEGA, …) and the Alexander von Humboldt foundation.



