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CERN COURIER, Sept 27, 2012.

Jan Hladký, an experimental...

www.fjfi.cz, 7.8.2011.

The Seventh International Conference...

HiPER News, 3.6.2010.

Members of the HiPER community gathered...

Research and Development of Innovative Solar Cells – Establishing Global Research Centers

Seminar Friday, 27/09/2013 10:00

Speakers: Prof. Makoto Konagai (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Place: Seminar room, Institute of Physics ASCR, Cukrovarnická 10, Prague 6, building A, 1st floor
Presented in English
Organisers: Institute of Physics

Silicon Solar Cells: What Does the Future Hold?

Currently, I am acting as a group leader of two collaborative university–industry research consortiums that focus on innovative Si thin-film solar cells. One is the “thin- film full spectrum solar cells” project of METI/NEDO and the other is the “Si nanowire solar cells” project of MEXT/JST. In each project, which involves a study period of 5–7 years, we are cooperating with domestic research organizations as well as foreign countries with a budget that exceeds four billion yen over the entire period. The themes of both projects are challenging and we require a significant change in mindset to achieve our goals, but the fruit of our success will be sweet. I discuss the organizations and functions of the two collaborative university–industry research consortiums.


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