
Name Cígler Petr
Position Head of the Junior Research Group
Mgr. Petr Cígler, Ph.D.

Petr Cígler, Ph.D.

Head of the Junior Research Group

Synthetic Nanochemistry
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (+420) 220 183 429
Fax: (+420) 224 310 090

2008 Ph.D., Department of Analytic Chemistry, Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague, Czech Republic; Thesis: Novel Approaches to Analysis and Resistance of HIV Protease. Supervisor: Prof. Vladimír Král.
2001 MSc., Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Charles University in Prague; Diploma thesis: Synthesis and Properties of 1,4,7-Tris(carboxymethyl)-10-phosphonomethyl-1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane and its lanthanide complexes. Supervisor: Prof. Ivan Lukeš.
2007 Laboratoire de Chimie Organo-Minérale, Université Louis Pasteur, Strasburg, France (Professor Jean-Pierre Sauvage), 2 months, organometallic synthesis.
2004-2005 Department of Analytical Chemistry, Chemo- and Biosensors, University of Regensburg, Germany (Professor Vladimir Mirsky), 6 months, development of biosensors for detection of HIV protease resistance.
since 2013 Head of the junior scientific team, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v.v.i., Prague.
2009-2012 Scientist in team of Dr. M. Ledvina, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v.v.i., Prague.
2008-2009 The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, U.S.A., postdoc (group of Prof. M. G. Finn).
2005-2008 Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry AS CR, v.v.i., Prague, research assistant (group of Dr. Jan Konvalinka: Proteases of human pathogens).
Awards and Fellowhisps
2008 Unipetrol Prize for thesis “Novel Approaches to Analysis and Resistance of HIV Protease”.
2006 Sanofi-Aventis Prize for Pharmacy (under the auspices of Professor Jean-Marie Lehn).
2005 Sholarship from Fellowship of International Quality Network – Medicinal Chemistry (IQN-MC), University of Regensburg.
2004 Erasmus Scholarship (Regensburg).
2004 Preciosa Scholarship.
2003-2004 Scholarship of Josef Hlávka Foundation.
2002-2004 Votoček’s Scholarship (Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague).
1996 Expo for Young Scientists (international competition), gold medal (Pretoria, Republic of South Africa).
1996 Talent '95 – The award of the Minister of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic.
Research interest
Functional protein and inorganic nanoparticles. Their preparation and surface modifications. Construction of nanosensors and bionanosensors for recognition and determination of biologically interesting analytes. Multimodal in vivo analysis. Self-assembly and aggregation of molecules; molecular recognition. Design and synthesis of enzyme inhibitors. Exoskeletaly substituted carboranes and metallacarboranes; oligopyrrole macrocycles, azacrowns and their complexes.
Educational Activities and Popularization:
  • Member of Presidium of Czech Chemistry Olympiad; permanent author of competition tasks and reviewer (since 2000)
  • Mentor a head mentor of Czech delegations at International Chemistry Olympiad (2006, 2008)
  • Head of laboratories and lector at Summer school for young chemists in Bestvina (yearly, since 1998)
  • Author of popularization articles on chemistry (e.g., co-author of 24-article serial in ABC journal: Unraveling the mystery of chemistry)
Selected papers

Co-author of 23 articles in peer-reviewed journals, 6 patents and 56 contribution at conferences. Citations: 217, without autocitations 137 (ISI Web of Science, 2010, June 21).


Rudovsky J., Cígler P., Kotek J., Hermann P., Vojtisek P., Lukes I., Peters J.A., Vander Elst L., Muller R.N.:
Lanthanide(III) Complexes of a Mono(methylphosphonate) Analogue of H(4)dota: The Influence of Protonation of the Phosphonate Moiety on the TSAP/SAP Isomer Ratio and the Water Exchange Rate.
Chem. Eur. J. 11(8): 2373-2384 (2005).

Vojtíšek P., Cígler P., Kotek J., Rudovský J., Hermann P., Lukeš I.:
Crystal Structures of Lanthanide(III) Complexes with Cyclen Derivative Bearing Three Acetate and One Methylphosphonate Pendants.
Inorg. Chem. 44: 5591-5599 (2005).

Cígler P., Kozisek M., Rezacova P., Brynda J., Otwinowski Z., Pokorna J., Plesek J., Gruner B., Doleckova-Maresova L., Masa M., Sedlacek J., Bodem J., Krausslich H.-G., Kral V., Konvalinka J.::
From nonpeptide toward noncarbon protease inhibitors: Metallacarboranes as specific and potent inhibitors of HIV protease.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 102(43): 15394-15399 (2005).

Matejicek P., Cígler P., Prochazka K., Kral V.:
Molecular Assembly of Metallacarboranes in Water: Light Scattering and Microscopy Study.
Langmuir 22(2): 575-581 (2006).

Kubát P., Lang K., Cígler P., Kožíšek M., Matějíček P., Janda P., Zelinger Z., Procházka K., and Král V.:
Tetraphenylporphyrin-cobalt(III) Bis(1,2-dicarbollide) Conjugates: From the Solution Characteristics to Inhibition of HIV Protease.
J. Phys. Chem. B 111: 4539-4546 (2007).

Kozisek M., Cígler P., Lepsik M., Fanfrlik J., Rezacova P., Brynda J., Pokorna J., Plesek J., Gruner B., Saskova K. G., Vaclavikova J., Kral V., Konvalinka J.:
Inorganic polyhedral metallacarborane inhibitors of HIV protease: A new approach to overcoming antiviral resistence.
J. Med. Chem. 51(15): 4839-4843 (2008).

Hoffman H. E., Jiraskova J., Cígler P., Sanda M., Schraml J., Konvalinka J.:
Hydroxamic Acids As a Novel Family of Serine Racemase Inhibitors: Mechanistic Analysis Reveals Different Modes of Interaction with the Pyridoxal-5'-phosphate Cofactor.
J. Med. Chem. 52(19): 6032-6041 (2009).

Rezacova P., Pokorna J., Brynda J., Kozisek M., Cígler P., Lepsik M., Fanfrlik J., Rezac J., Saskova K. G., Sieglova I., Plesek J., Sicha V., Gruner B., Oberwinkler H., Sedlacek J., Krausslich H. G., Hobza P., Kral V., Konvalinka J.:
Design of HIV Protease Inhibitors Based on Inorganic Polyhedral Metallacarboranes.
J. Med. Chem. 52(22): 7132-7141 (2009).

Uchman M., Jurkiewicz P., Cígler P., Gruner B., Hof M., Prochazka K., Matejicek P.:
Interaction of Fluorescently Substituted Metallacarboranes with Cyclodextrins and Phospholipid Bilayers: Fluorescence and Light Scattering Study.
Langmuir 26(9): 6268-6275 (2010).

Uchman M., Cígler P., Gruner B., Prochazka P., Matejicek P.:
Micelle-like nanoparticles of block copolymer poly(ethylene oxide)-blockpoly(methacrylic acid) incorporating fluorescently substituted metallacarboranes designed as HIV protease inhibitor interaction probes.
J. Colloid Interface Sci. (2010).