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Impaktovaná periodika

[JPCM-12] Janovská, M. - Sedlák, P. - Seiner, H. - Landa, M. - Marton, P. - Ondrejkovič, P. - Hlinka, J.: Anisotropic elasticity of DyScO3 substrates. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, Vol.24 (2012). art.No. 385404.

[JASA-12] Seiner, H. - Sedlák, P. - Bodnárová, L. - Kruisová, A. - Landa, M. - de Pablos, A. - Belmonte, M.: Sensitivity of the resonant ultrasound spectroscopy to weak gradients of elastic properties. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol.131(2012) (5), pp. 3775–3785.

[SM-12] Straka, L. - Soroka, A. - Seiner, H. - Hänninen, H. - Sozinov, A.: Temperature dependence of twinning stress of Type I and Type II twins in 10M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite. Scripta Materialia, Article in Press (2012).

[JAP-12] Heczko, O. - Seiner, H. - Sedlák, P. - Kopeček, J. - Landa, M.: Anomalous lattice softening of Ni2MnGa austenite due to magnetoelastic coupling. Journal of Applied Physics Vol.111 (2012), 07A929.

[JALCOM-12a] Seiner, H. - Heczko, O. - Sedlák, P. - Bodnárová, L. - Novotný, M. - Kopeček, J. - Landa, M.: Combined effect of structural softening and magneto-elastic coupling on elastic coefficients of Ni-Mn-Ga austenite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Article in Press (2012).

[JALCOM-12b] Ball, J.M. - Koumatos, K. - Seiner, H.: Nucleation of austenite in mechanically stabilized martensite by localized heating
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Article in Press (2012)

[AM-11] Straka, L. - Heczko, O. - Seiner, H. - Lanska, N. - Drahokoupil - J., Soroka - A., Fähler, S. - (…) - Sozinov, A: Highly mobile twinned interface in 10 M modulated Ni-Mn-Ga martensite: Analysis beyond the tetragonal approximation of lattice. Acta Materialia Vol.59 (2011) (20) , pp. 7450-7463.

[IJSS-11] Seiner, H. - Glatz, O. - Landa, M.: A finite element analysis of the morphology of the twinned-to-detwinned interface observed in microstructure of the Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy
International Journal of Solids and Structures Vol.48 (2011) (13) , pp. 2005-2014

[JASA-10] Růžek, M. - Sedlák, P. - Seiner, H.- Kruisová, A.- Landa, M.: Linearized forward and inverse problems of the resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for the evaluation of thin surface layers.Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Vol.128 (2010), pp. 3426-3437.

[AM-09] Seiner, H. - Bodnárová, L. - Sedlák, P. - Janeček, M. - Srba, O. - Král, R. - Landa. M.: Application of ultrasonic methods to determine elastic anisotropy of polycrystalline copper processed by equal-channel angular pressing. Acta Materialia, Vol.58(2010) (1), pp. 235-247. (Soubor PDF).

[PT-09] Seiner, H. - Landa. M.: Non-classical austenite-martensite interfaces observed in single crystals of Cu-Al-Ni. Phase Transitions, Vol.82(2009), No.11, pp. 793-807 (Soubor PDF)

[IJMCE-09] Seiner, H. - Glatz, O. - Landa, M.: Interfacial Microstructires in Martensitic Transitions: From Optical Observations to Mathematical Modeling. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, Vol.7(2009), No.5, pp.445-456 (Soubor PDF).         

[JMEP-09] Vokoun, D. - Majtas, D. - Frost, M. - Sedlák, P. - Šittner, P.: Shape memory hooks employed in fasteners. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Vol.18(2009), Nos.(5-6), pp. 706-710 (Soubor PDF).

[MSEA-09] Seiner, H. - Bicanová, L. - Sedlák, P. - Landa, M. - Heller, L. - Aaltio, I.: Magneto-elastic attenuation in austenitic phase of Ni–Mn–Ga alloy investigated by ultrasonic methods. Materials Science and Engineering A. Volume A521-522(2009), pp.205-208. (Soubor PDF)

[APA-09] Landa, M. - Sedlák, P. - Seiner. H. - Heller, L. - Bicanova, L. - Šittner, P. - Novák, V.: Modal resonant ultrasound spectroscopy for ferroelastics. Applied Physics A. Vol 96(2009), No. 3, pp.557-567. (Soubor PDF)

[MSEA-08] Landa, M. - Sedlák, P. - Šittner, P. - Seiner, H. - Heller, L.: On the evaluation of temperature dependence of elastic constants of martensitic phases in shape memory alloys from resonant ultrasound spectroscopy studies. Material Science and Engineering A. Vol. 481-482(2008), pp.567-573. (Soubor PDF)

[PT-08] Seiner, H. - Sedlák, P. - Landa, M.: Shape recovery mechanism observed in single crystals of Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy. Phase transitions. Vol. 81(2008), No. 6, pp. 537-551. (Soubor PDF)

[MSEA-07] Landa, M. - Sedlák, P. - Šittner, P. - Seiner, H. - Novák, V.: Temperature dependence of elastic properties of cubic and orthorhombic phases in Cu-Al-Ni shape memory alloy near their stability limits. Material Science and Engineering A. Vol. 462(2007), pp. 320-324. (Soubor PDF)

[ULT-06] Seiner, H. - Landa, M.: Differential Geometry of Ray Surfaces in Anisotropic Solids and Its Contribution to NDE: Modelling and Experiment. Ultrasonics. 2006, vol. 44, no. Suppl. 1, pp. e801-e806. (Soubor PDF)

[AM-05] Sedlák, P. - Seiner, H. - Landa, M. - Novák, V. - Šittner, P. - Manosa, L.: Elastic constants of bcc austenite and 2H orthorombic martensite in CuAlNi shape memory alloy. Acta Materialia, Vol.53 (2005), pp. 3643-3661. (Soubor PDF)

[ULT-04a] Seiner, H. - Landa, M.: Sensitivity analysis of an inverse procedure for determination of elastic coefficients for strong anisotropy. Ultrasonics. Vol. 43(2004), pp. 253-263. (Soubor PDF)

[ULT-04b] Landa, M. - Novák, V. - Sedlák, P. - Šittner, P.: Ultrasonic characterization of Cu-Al-Ni single crystals lattice stability in the vicinity of the phase transition. Ultrasonics Vol.42(2004) Nos.1-9, pp. 519-526 (Soubor PDF)

[JAC-04] Černoch, T. -  Landa, M. - Novák, V. - Sedlák, P. - Šittner, P.: Acoustic characterization of the elastic properties of austenite phase and martensitic transformations in CuAlNi shape memory alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.378(2004) Nos.1-2, pp. 140-144. (Soubor PDF)

[JDP-03] Novák, V. -  Landa, M. - Šittner, P.: Acoustic recognition of stress induced martensitic transformations in Cu-based shape memory alloys. Journal De Physique. IV : JP 112 (2003) No. I, pp. 593-596.

[JTST-03] Landa, M. - Kroupa, F. - Neufuss, K. - Urbánek, P: Effect of uniaxial pressure on ultrasound velocities and elastic moduli in plasma-sprayed ceramics. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology Vol. 12(2003), No.2. pp. 226-233

[ULT-02] Landa M. - Plešek, J.: Contrast enhancement of ultrasonic imaging of internal stresses in materials
Ultrasonics. Vol.40(2002) Nos.(1-8), pp. 531-535. (Soubor PDF)

Ostatní periodika

[JOPC-10] Landa, M., Růžek, M., Sedlák, P., Seiner, H., Bodnárová, L., Zídek, J.: Novel approach to material evaluation of thin surface layers by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Journal of Physics: Conference Series Vol.214(2010), art. no. 012045. (Soubor PDF)

[EPJ-08] Heller, L. - Kujawa, A. - Šittner, P. - Landa, M. - Sedlák, P.- Pilch, J.: Quasistatic and dynamic functional properties of thin superelastic NiTi wires. The European Physical Journal - Special Topics, Volume 158(2008), No.1, pp.7-14. (Soubor PDF)

[PEAS-07] Seiner, H. - Landa, M. - Sedlák, P.: Propagation of an Austenite-Martensite Interface in a Thermal Gradient Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Vol. 56,(2007), pp. 218-225. (Soubor PDF)

[BAM-05] Goldmann, T. - Seiner, H. - Landa, M.: Experimental determination of elastic coefficients of dry bovine bone,  Bulletin of Applied Mechanics Vol. 4(2005), pp. 262–275.

[MSF-05] Landa, M. - Novák, V. - Sedlák, P. - Mañosa, L - Šittner, P: Elastic properties of structural phases in shape memory alloys investigated by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy. Materials Science Forum 482(2005), pp. 351-354

Příspěvky v (recenzovaných) konferenčních sbornících a kapitoly v monografiích

[NOVA-09] Landa, M. - Seiner, H. - Sedlák, P. - Bicanová, L. - Zídek, J. - Heller, L.: Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy Close to Its Applicability Limits. In: Horizons in World Physics, Volume 268. Editors: Michael Everett and Louis Pedroza, Nova Science Publishers, 2009. (Soubor PDF)

[TMS-09] Ball, J.M. - Koumatos, K. - Seiner, H.: An analysis of non-classical austenite-martensite interfaces in CuAlNi. Accepted to Proceedings of ICOMAT08, TMS 2009.(Soubor PDF)

[ESO-09a] Glatz, O. - Seiner, H. - Landa, M.: FEM Modelling of Elastically Strained Interfacial Microstructures in Cu-Al-Ni Single Crystals. In: The 8th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, 2009, edited by P. Šittner, L. Heller and V. Paidar, published by EDP Sciences (

[ESO-09b] Vokoun, D. - Majtas, D. - Frost, M. - Sedlák, P. - Šittner, P.: Fastening of shape memory hook arrays. In: The 8th European Symposium on Martensitic Transformations, 2009, edited by P. Šittner, L. Heller and V. Paidar, published by EDP Sciences (

[WIT-09] Seiner, H. - Růžek, M. - Sedlák, P. - Bicanová, L. - Landa, M.: Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy for Investigation of Thin Surface Coatings. In: Computational Methods and Experiments in Materials Characterisation IV. Wessex Institute of Technology, WIT Press, 2009. (Soubor PDF)

[MCMBEC-07] Goldmann, T. - Seiner, H. - Landa, M.: Application of Simplified Ray Method for the Determination of the Cortical Bone Elastic Coefficients by the Ultrasonic Wave Inversion. 11th Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biomedical Engineering and Computing, Springer, 2007. (Soubor PDF)

[IEEE-06] Seiner, H. - Sedlák, P. - Landa, M.: Improvement of the Inversion Procedure in Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy for Generally Oriented High Anisotropic Crystals. In: Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium [CD-ROM]. New Jersey: IEEE, 2006. (Soubor PDF)

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