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Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Úterý, 08.10.2013 10:00 - 11:00

Héctor Vázquez (Purkynì Fellow, Fyzikální ústav AV ÈR)

In this talk I will describe my recent work in the description of electron transport processes in organic molecular systems. The talk will focus on metal / single molecule / metal nanostructures, but I also mention some results in the field of organic photovoltaics on exciton dissociation. The flow of current through single molecule circuits is very dependent on the junction electronic structure, which requires a description involving ab-initio methods.

Minulé semináře

Martin Schnabl Stringy and higher-spin activities in the theory department 03.10.2013 14:00
Vladislav Pokorný Spectral and transport properties of a superconducting quantum dot system 01.10.2013 15:00
Prof. Makoto Konagai Research and Development of Innovative Solar Cells – Establishing Global Research Centers 27.09.2013 10:00
Vladislav Pokorný Spectral and transport properties of a superconducting quantum dot system 26.09.2013 14:00
Isodiana Crupi Plasmonic metal nanoparticles for thin film solar cells 24.09.2013 10:00
Alexander Kupčo Novinky z konference EPS 2013 19.09.2013 14:00
Cedric Rocha Leao Ab-initio investigation of the degradation process in TlBr: causes and possible fixes 18.09.2013 15:00
Pavel Novák Calculation of crystal field parameters with Wannier functions 12.09.2013 14:00
Christophe Ballif Thin film silicon layers: from low cost thin film solar modules to high efficiency crystalline heterojunction cells 11.09.2013 10:00
Jose Repond Imaging Calorimetry for Lepton Colliders 05.09.2013 14:00
Anna Artmenko XPS analysis of plasma polymers and nanocomposite films without breaking vacuum 03.09.2013 13:00
James P. Lewis High-throughput computational design of photocatalytic materials 03.09.2013 10:00
Prof. A. Nikitin Integrable models with matrix potentials 26.08.2013 15:00
Dr. Ingo Dirnstorfer Synergies between photovoltaics and microelectronics 19.07.2013 10:00
Prof. R. Gopakumar Minimal Model Holography 18.07.2013 15:00
Prof. Dr. N. J. Ianno Band Gap Engineering of Samarium Cerium Sulfide Alloys for Photovoltaic Thin Films 17.07.2013 13:30
Prof. Dr. R. J. Soukup The Promise of Earth Abundant Sulfide and Selenide Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications 17.07.2013 13:00
Deepak Verma, Ph.D. Hybrid (Organic/Inorganic semiconductors) absorbing layer for solar cell applications 16.07.2013 10:00
Vladislav Šimák Co jsme se dozvěděli z Tevatronu 27.06.2013 14:00
Prof. David Vanderbilt First-principles theory of flexoelectricity 27.06.2013 10:00
Jakub Železný DFT calculations of electronic and magnetic structure of CuMnAs and other I-Mn-V compounds 25.06.2013 15:00
Prof. Nadezhda M. Bulgakova, PhD, Dr.Sci. Pulsed laser - matter interaction for material processing: Basic processes and perspectives 20.06.2013 11:00
Arthur Moraes On the trail of LHC discoveries: scientific advances that accelerate more than sub-atomic particles 19.06.2013 14:00
Dr. Gilles Cheriaux Apollon-10P: Status and implementation 18.06.2013 14:00
Prof. A. Zhukov Magnetic properties and applications of soft magnetic microwires 14.06.2013 10:00
Jiří Hejbal Měření účinného průřezu produkce W+W- bosonů v experimentu ATLAS 13.06.2013 14:00
Nikolay Galkin Silicon-Silicide-Silicon multilayer nanoheterostructures for photonics and thermoelectronics applications 10.06.2013 11:00
Prof. Ingo Uschmann Zrušeno: X-ray diagnostics for short pulse, high power laser plasma 07.06.2013 11:00
Dr. Alessandro Fortunato Warm laser shock peening 07.06.2013 10:00
Zdeněk Jirák Magnetický stav perovskitů La0.7Sr0.3CoO3, Nd0.7Sr0.3CoO3, Pr0.7Ca0.3CoO3 a Nd0.7Ca0.3CoO3 30.05.2013 14:00

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