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Jean-Pierre Bourguignon new president of the European Research Council

Jean-Pierre Bourguignon, the 2nd president of the European Mathematical Society (1995-98), will be the next president of the European Research Council (ERC). Since 2007, the ERC has funded European top researchers through grants given on the base of applications that are evaluated by expert panels. In Horizon 2020, the ERC appears as a crucial component in the EU long-term research strategy to support the most talented and creative scientists in blue-sky research.

The Abel Prize Laureate 2013: Pierre Deligne

The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters has decided to award the Abel Prize for 2013 to Pierre Deligne, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, “for seminal contributions to algebraic geometry and for their transformative impact
on number theory, representation theory, and related fields”.

The Neuron Prize awarded to Professor Miroslav Fiedler

Since 2010, the Karel Janeček Foundation for Support of Science and Research has been awarding the Neuron Prize to selected researchers. Medicine, economy and mathematics were in the scope this year. more

Professor Miroslav Fiedler was awarded the Neuron Prize for his lifelong work in mathematics.close

  Interview with Prof. Fiedler

Michal Křížek awarded for his popularization activities

On the occasion of the World Development Information Day, 24 October, President of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Prof. Jiří Drahoš awarded the Prize for promotion and popularization of research, experimental development and inovations to prof. RNDr. Michal Křížek, DrSc. for his long-standing systematic popularization of mathematics and related fields.
See the list of his publications.
  On Křížek's activities in popularization of mathematics

The 10th Eduard Čech Lecture: Wolfgang L. Wendland, University of Stuttgart

Title: On Riesz minimal energy problems on Ck1,1-manifolds

Friday, 13 December 2013 at 10 a.m., in the main lecture hall of the Institute of Mathematics

For abstract see the flyer below. The distinguished Eduard Čech Lectures held to commemorate the one of the most eminent Czech mathematicians and founder of the Institute are directed to a general mathematical audience.

ERC Advanced Grant for Pavel Pudlák

Pavel Pudlák has been awarded ERC Advanced Grant "FEALORA – Feasibility, logic and randomness in computational complexity" for 2014–2018. Another great success: the second ERC Advanced Grant in the Institute of Mathematics and – as in the previous year – the only one awarded to the Czech researcher in 2013. Research of Pudlák's team is motivated by the major unsolved problem in computer science called "P versus NP". They are looking for connections between the computational complexity and the proof complexity which represent two different views of the general phenomenon of complexity.
A call for a post-doc position and for a Ph.D. student position within the FEALORA grant has been opened.
  Description of the project
  Academy of Sciences – Press release

Vyhlášení veřejného výběrového řízení na obsazení funkce ředitele Matematického ústavu AV ČR, v. v. i.

Rada Matematického ústavu Akademie věd České republiky, veřejné výzkumné instituce, vyhlašuje v souladu s § 18 odst. 2 písm. h zákona č. 341/2005 Sb. veřejné výběrové řízení na obsazení funkce ředitele pracoviště.

Předpokládaný nástup do funkce: 1. května 2014
Uzávěrka přihlášek 31. ledna 2014
Podrobný text vyhlášení:

Dny otevřených dveří v MÚ AV ČR a Týden vědy a techniky Akademie věd ČR

Tradiční Dny otevřených dveří v Matematickém ústavu AV ČR jsou součástí Týdne vědy a techniky Akademe věd ČR, nejrozsáhlejšího vědeckého festivalu v České republice pořádaného Akademií věd ČR ve spolupráci s dalšími institucemi ve dnech 1.–15. listopadu 2013. Široká veřejnost a především studenti středních škol mají možnost nahlédnout do pracoven, laboratoří a knihoven a poznat, jak se dělá věda. Badatelé z výzkumných pracovišť AV ČR připravují širokou nabídku exkurzí, přednášek, výstav a diskusních večerů, ve kterých představují své výzkumné projekty, předvádějí nejmodernější vědecké přístroje a experimenty a přibližují návštěvníkům nejnovější trendy v oblasti vědy. V Matematickém ústavu AV ČR se Dny otevřených dveří uskuteční na pražském pracovišti ve dnech 7. a 8. listopadu, v brněnské pobočce 5. listopadu 2013.

Traditional Open Houses in the Institute of Mathematics AS CR will be held as part of the Week of Science and Technology, the most extensive scientific festival in the Czech Republic, organized by the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic in cooperation with other institutions from 1st to 15th November 2013. The scientists from the research workplaces of the Academy of Sciences prepare a wide offer of lectures, presentations, panel discussions, seminars, excursions, exhibitions and discussion evenings, in which they present their research projects, the most modern scientific apparatuses and outline for the attendees the latest trends in the areas of science in the Czech Republic and the world. The Prague departments of the Institute of Mathematics will be open to public on 7th and 8th November, the Brno branch on 5th November.
  Nabídka přednášek v MÚ AV ČR – Lectures offered in the Institute of Mathematics
  Aktuální program v MÚ AV ČR – Countinously updated programme in the Institute of Mathematics

Postdoctoral position

Pending final approval by the European Research Council a one year post-doc position is available within the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant Feasibility, logic and randomness in computational complexity under the direction of Professor Pavel Pudlák. See description of the project.

Starting date: 01/01/2014

Opening of Applications: 04/09/2013

Deadline for Applications: 15/11/2013

For the details see

Ph.D. student position

Pending final approval by the European Research Council up to 4 years Ph.D. student position is available within the framework of the ERC Advanced Grant Feasibility, logic and randomness in computational complexity under the direction of Professor Pavel Pudlák. See description of the project.

Starting date: 01/01/2014

Opening of Applications: 04/09/2013

Deadline for Applications: 15/11/2013

For the details see

Otto Wichterle Premium for young researchers awarded to Jakub Šístek

Ing. Jakub Šístek, PhD., received from the President of the Academy of Sciences Prof. Jiří Drahoš the Otto Wichterle Premium for young researchers. The award connected with a financial premium of 90 000 crowns in the three subsequent years has been established in 2002 to encourage and support young promising researchers in institutes of the Academy of Sciences. Jakub Šístek is one of 23 young researches awarded the Premium this year.


ERC Advanced Grant for Eduard Feireisl

Eduard Feireisl's ERC Advanced Grant proposal "MATHEF – Mathematical Thermodynamics of Fluids" has been selected for funding in the period 2013–2018. A great success of the Czech mathematics  as this is the first ERC Advanced Grant for mathematics in the Czech Republic and the only one assigned to a Czech scientist this year! Eduard Feireisl was the chair of the Scientific Committee of the 6th European Congress of Mathematics in Kraków, 2012, and is also the chair of the Scientific Committee of Equadiff 13 in Praha, 2013. The call for a PhD. student  to work in the grant has been closed.

  Eduard Feireisl's home page
  Academy of Sciences - Press release

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