2013-06-03 | End of Novell server service |
2013-03-06 | Upgrade of WiFi controllers in LAN UOCHB and migration to "Cisco Prime Infrastructure" system |
2012-12-14 | New printers in building A, see prints for instructions |
2012-09-07 | WiFi install was finished in Lecture Hall, Club, and Library |
2010-12-07 | Mestrec/MestreNova Update of licence server : Software-Mestrec/MestreNova. |
2010-11-09 | Mestrec/MestreNova There is hardware problem with licence server. For using temporary one You should download and save new lic file. Run Mnova, go to ‘Help/Evaluate/Buy’ and click on ‘Activate’, then navigate to the license file and double click on it. The application should be activated. |