The Institute of Photonics and Electronics (IPE) is a medium-size
non-profit research institution belonging to the Academy of Sciences of
the Czech Republic, the Czech largest non-university research
organization. The main activity of IPE is basic and applied research
which is complemented by metrology, dissemination and training
activities. The main fields of research are photonics, optoelectronics
and electronics. In these fields, IPE advances scientific knowledge as
well as pursues development of new cutting-edge technologies. In
recognition of IPE's excellence in the area of time and frequency
metrology, IPE has been entrusted with responsibility for the National
Time and Frequency Standard. Education in the areas of IPE's research
is an integral part of the Institute's mission. IPE is engaged in both
graduate education and post-graduate training and through collaboration
with universities it strives to contribute to quality of education in
traditional as well as emerging and interdisciplinary areas.

On the occasion of the conference Laser Physics 2013 and the visit of our institute, Prof. Yevgeny Dianov delivered public lecture on the activities of the Fiber Optic Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS). Academic Dianov is the director of this world-famous center of fiber optics and he is particularly active in the area of specially-doped optical fibers for fiber lasers
and amplifiers. He mentioned difficult current situation of RAS, not unlike the ours in the summer of 2009. Hastily prepared reform will take over the RAS and the asset management, especially lucrative real estates in Moscow. This kind of reforms can bury in a short time one of the most efficient and prestigious scientific institutions.

The Institute donated clothing and other items to children and mothers
at the Infant Ward of Thomayer Hospital in Krč and the Women and
Children's Shelter in Holešovice.
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Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences CR, v.v.i.
Chaberska 57, 18251 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 266 773 400, Fax: +420 284 680 222,
Email: ipe@ufe.cz
IČ: 67985882, DIČ: CZ67985882