Entered keyword "migration and mobility" yielded 58 results.
Authors: Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega
This article examines whether housing tenure and regional differences in housing affordability have an impact on labour mobility. This relationship is important for understanding the sources of structural unemployment and impediments to economic growth. Using two sample surveys f...
Authors: Simonová, Natalie, Petr Soukup
The aim of this work was to identify the trends in the influence of socio-economic, cultural and gender factors in the reproduction of educational inequality in access to tertiary education in the five chosen countries (CR, Switzerland, Sweden, Germany and Poland) between 1955 an...
Authors: Chaloupková, Jana, Petra Šalamounová
Based on data from the European Social Survey 2002, this chapter compares attitudes towards immigration across European countries. Using aggregated data about numbers and structure of immigrants in European countries and indicators of country’s economic situation, this chap...
This volume presents readers with the texts of papers that were presented at a seminar on the History of Migration in the Czech Lands in the Early Modern Age, which was organised by the Committee for Historical and Social Democracy, in cooperation with the Institute of Czech Hist...
Authors: Řeháková, Blanka, Klára Vlachová
The article analyses two types of subjective mobility between 1988 and 1993. It asks how people evaluate the changes in their social status and economic situation and seeks to identify the links with certain objective social characteristics (which fix the position...
Authors: Leontiyeva, Yana
The article presents and discusses the results a national survey of migrant workers. The key issue addressed in the text is the educational level and qualification skills of labour immigrants and their position of the Czech labour market.
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
The article provides a strong theoretical basis for a study of Czech emigration to the West and the return of the emigrants in the 1990s, which spreads from P. Berger´s and T. Luckmann´s theory of socialization, and compares it with a point of view of socio-economics,...
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
Authors: Bergman, S., Hašková, Hana, Pulkrábková, Kateřina, Rantalaiho, M., Valiente, C., Uhde, Zuzana
The chapter focuses on the analysis of women´s movements´ claims-making around child-care and their agency in the remakingof the concept of social citizenship. It explores the frames used by women´s movements to articulate and justify their child-care...
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš, Daniel Čermák
This study is based on the first stage of research on political change in metropolitan areas in the Czech Republic, conducted within the framework of the International Metropolitan Observatory Project (IMO). In the first part of the study the authors examine how metropolitan area...
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Head of department: Mgr. Nela Hesová
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
Established in 2001, the National Contact Centre for Women and Science contributes to building gender equality in science and research. We stimulate debates and petition for measures and steps to eliminate discrimination and gender inequalities in science. We urge action from res...
Project duration: 2012 to 2015
Authors: Nešpor, Zdeněk R.
The paper covers some findings of qualitative sociological research made by the author, which has aimed to analyse of Czech re/emigration processes in the 20th Century. It shows the most important individual and social facts that had certain influenced on re/emigration behaviour...
Authors: Ouředníček, Martin, Novák, Jakub, Šimon, Martin
V posledních dvou desetiletích dochází k významné proměně migračních preferencí i migračního chování obyvatelstva v Česku. Tato tendence je ovlivňována postsocialistickou transformací i demografickými, ekonomickými a technologickými změnami uplatňujícími se v Evropě. Příspěvek př...
Authors: Sunega, Petr, Martin Lux
This article examines if regional differences in housing affordability have an impact on labour mobility. This relationship is important for understanding the sources of structural unemployment and impediments to economic growth. A time series regression analysis reveals that the...
Authors: Vobecká, Jana, Martin Šimon
This chapter examines the political impact of suburbanisation in the district of Praha-Kolovraty. The study discusses the demographic changes, political behaviour and civic participation, especially the participation of people who have newly moved into the neighbourhood.
Authors: Šimon, Martin
Téma odchodu z města na venkov je nejen námětem filmových či románových příběhů, ale je také předmětem geografického výzkumu. Předložený text si klade za cíl ukázat, kteří lidé nejčastěji odcházejí z města na venkov a jaké k tomu mají důvody. Na příkladech analýzy vyprá...
Authors: Šustrová, Klára, Šimon, Martin
Výzkum životního stylu obyvatel měst a venkova představuje klasické téma sociálněvědního výzkumu. Jako příklady můžeme uvést Töniessův koncept Gesellschaft – Gemeinschaft, Simmelovu blazeovanost velkoměstského života či Durkheimovo rozdělení mechanické a orga...
Předkládaný projekt vyplňuje mezery ve výzkumu mezinárodní migrace, a to zejména vnitrostátní migrace cizinců. Vzhledem k nedostatku informací o tomto procesu bude potřeba provést rozsáhlejší sběr dat. V projektu budou realizovány série kvantitativních a kvalitativních výzkumných...
Project duration: 2012 to 2014