Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš, Vobecká, Jana
The article examines the relationship between housing affordability and fertility in the Czech Republic after 1989. An analysis of national data suggests that improving housing affordability might be a factor behind the rise of fertility that has been observed since the beginning...
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš
The aim of the text is to study interaction of the regional, national and European influences in the pre-accession Czech Republic in thesphere of public administration and regional policy. Special attention was paid to the role of the Committee of the Regions,...
ADAPT2DC partnership aims to develop transferable strategies for the provision of innovative solutions to restructure the management of services and infrastructure in shrinking regions and cities from Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Poland and Slovenia.  
Project duration: 2011 to 2014
Tomáš Kostelecký, Jana Vobecká (eds.): Regional Elites 2004, Jana Stachová: Civil Society in the Regions of the Czech Republic
As part of Science and Technology Week in the Czech Republic the Institute of Sociology organised an Open Day on November 10, 2005, opening its doors to visitors from secondary schools and secondary vocational schools from Prague and from outside the city.
Authors: Heřmanová, Eva, Tomáš Kostelecký
This article concerns problems of housing in the CR and their regional context. the analysis has been realised on the basis of data excerpted from newspapersadvertisement and those placed by selected real estate agencies. The mainattention is devoted to searching for possible cau...
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš, Martina Mikeszová
Czech Regions are very different in terms of affordability of ownership housing because regional differences in prices are larger that regional differences in household incomes. Ownership housing is the least affordable in Prague and South Moravia while the most affordable in Ust...
Authors: Vráblíková, Kateřina
Authors: Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega
This article examines whether housing tenure and regional differences in housing affordability have an impact on labour mobility. This relationship is important for understanding the sources of structural unemployment and impediments to economic growth. Using two sample surveys f...
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš, Jana Vobecká (eds.)
This study presents an analysis of the characteristics, opinions and attitudes of regional elites in the Czech Republic. It is based on an empirical survey conducted in the autumn of 2004, just before the elections to the regional assemblies were held. The study looks at politica...
Authors: Nikischer, Richard, Alena Madziková
Authors: Kostelecký, Tomáš, Věra Patočková, Michal Illner
The article examines regeneration policies in Prague. After introducing the concept of regeneration and regeneration theories and reviewing foreign cases of regeneration of problem neighbourhoods, the authors analyse the situation in Prague focusing on two selected city districts...
Authors: Vobecká, Jana
The chapter looks at political, administrative, economic and cultural elites in the regions of the Czech Republic, focusing especially on the strenght of their ties to the place of residence, gender representation, age structure, educational level, employment and economic positio...
Authors: Kuda, František, Martin Lux (eds.)
