
The National Contact Centre for Women and Science IV.

Project duration: 
2012 to 2015

Established in 2001, the National Contact Centre for Women and Science contributes to building gender equality in science and research. We stimulate debates and petition for measures and steps to eliminate discrimination and gender inequalities in science. We urge action from responsible institutions, and offer solutions to improve the professional advancement of women. We carry out analyses to address the asymmetrical distribution of power between men and women in science and in society in general. We raise awareness about gender issues in science and give visibility to women researchers and their work. We support and stimulate women’s cooperation in science. We are integrated in international networks (European Platform for Women Scientists and ATGender) and contribute to the development of science policies. We participate in international projects and cooperate with similarly orientated support and research organizations abroad, especially in Europe. We are located in the sociology of knowledge, feminist theories and science studies, gender studies and public policy.

NKC is part of genderSTE - Gender, Science, Technology and Environment, the first Targeted Network approved by COST, to advance gender equality in science and technology.  Our goals

  • We work to achieve a higher percentage of women in decision-making positions in bodies responsible for research and development policies and in institutions of public research and higher education sectors
  • We demand that grant rules in public research funding providers do not discriminate against parents of small children
  • We believe that a combination of professional and private lives should not be seen as the problem of individual women but as a structural problem that should be addressed by the government and research institutions
  • We initiate the collection of sex-disaggregated statistics, especially pertaining to institutions and bodies that distribute public funding for research and development
  • We strive to increase the visibility of women and their work in science
  • We underscore gender stereotypes in fields of study and science, and motivate girls to enter the research profession
  • We engage in critical debates with responsible institutions and the public about the role of science in contemporary societies and gender equality in science

For more information:

migration and mobility
public policy
Grant agency: 
Government ministry project

Project publications (total 1, displaying 1 - 1)

Linková, Marcela, Červinková, Alice
gender, sociology of science
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article

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