Mgr. Petr Vašát

odborný pracovník - VŠ
210 310 227

Curriculum vitae


2008 -         Ph.D., Ethnology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of West Bohemia

2006 - 2008 M.A., Social and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of West Bohemia

Field of specialisation: 

urban sociology/anthropology, poverty and marginalization, space and time, ethnography, textual/discursive analysis, social network analysis

Teaching activities: 

2011 Antropologie genderu a sociálních sítí (blok: Úvod do studia sociálních sítí), Katedra antropologie, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni

Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad: 

2011 Durham University, Department of Anthropology, visiting research student, month (Freemover scholarship)

2008 The University of Edinburgh, School of Social and Political Science, Social Anthropology, visiting research student, 2 weeks (Talent scholarship)