6th FERO meeting

Boční II 1401, 141 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic

30th – 31st of August 2012

Euro in Czech Crowns: 1€ =
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Pierre-Olivier Petrucci

Multiwavelength campaign on Mrk 509: testing realistic comptonization models


The origin of the different spectral components present in the high energy (UV to X-rays/gamma-rays) spectra of Seyfert galaxies is still highly debated. One of the major limitations, in this respect, is the lack of really simultaneous broad-band observations that allow us to disentangle the behavior of each component and to better constrain their inter-connections. The 1-month monitoring (10 observations, 1 every 4 days, in October/November 2009) of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Mkn 509 simultaneously with XMM and INTEGRAL provide a unique opportunity to test simultaneous UV to X-rays/gamma rays data against physically motivated broad -band models. Each observation has been fitted with a realistic thermal comptonisation model for the primary continuum. In agreement with the observed correlation between the UV and soft X-ray flux, we use a thermal comptonisation component for the soft X-ray excess. We also include a warm absorber and a reflection component, as required by the precise studies previously done by our consortium. The UV to X-rays/gamma-rays emission of Mkn 509 can be well fitted by these components. We are able to constrain the presence of two different coronae: a very hot (kT ~ 100 keV), optically-thin (tau ~ 0.5) plasma producing the primary continuum and a warm (kT ~ 1 keV), optically-thick (tau ~ 10-20) corona (the warm upper layer of the accretion disc?) as the origin of the soft X-rays. We will present our results in this talk and discuss the direct constraints (size, location, variability origin) we obtained on these different emitting regions.