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- New Alumni Research Featured on
- CERGE-EI Welcomes New Students to the Preparatory Semester
- Prague Economic Meeting at CERGE-EI with Lubos Pastor and Adam Szeidl
- Michal Bauer Awarded the Otto Wichterle Award 2011
- CERGE-EI Students' Contribution to the Report on Anti-Corruption Measures on June 9, 2011
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What's New
New European Employment Observatory Newsletter
The European Employment Observatory (EEO) has just published its regular newsletter covering developments in employment policy at the EU level. The newsletter is published in cooperation with CERGE-EI and ICF GHK consultancy. EEO is supported by a network of national labour market experts (SYSDEM network) from leading independent research institutions in the EEO countries, and the Czech Republic is represented by CERGE-EI faculty member Daniel Münich.
September 26, 2012 Read more: New European Employment Observatory Newsletter
CERGE-EI Welcomes New Assistant Professor Patrick Gaulé
We are delighted to welcome Patrick Gaulé who has joined CERGE-EI as an Assistant Professor in September. He is an an applied microeconomist specialized in the economics of science and innovation. Check out his research here on his personal site.
September 3, 2012 Read more: CERGE-EI Welcomes New Assistant Professor Patrick Gaulé
Summer Praise for CERGE-EI Faculty
Although the deserted streets of Prague might give the impression that everyone has gone on vacation, CERGE-EI has remained in the limelight throughout the summer [all links are to pieces in Czech]. In an article about the most inspiring and promising young Czechs, the leading business weekly Ekonom included CERGE-EI faculty member Michal Bauer on its “Six Czechs of the future” list. The weekly also featured an interview with Professor Bauer discussing his views on the role of economics in development, microfinance, and his career trajectory.
August 24, 2012 Read more: Summer Praise for CERGE-EI Faculty
A Cornucopia of Media Coverage
The CERGE-EI brand has received several high-profile media appearances in recent days, both in the local and the global media [for the Czech media, all links are to pieces in Czech]. On Thursday, May 31, the front page leading article of the highest-profile Czech business daily Hospodářské noviny discussed the 2012 IMD World Competitiveness Index. CERGE-EI researchers collaborated on the data collection for the Czech Republic, and Vilém Semerák commented on the IMD results in an interview.
June 12, 2012 Read more: A Cornucopia of Media Coverage
Angus Deaton, Former ESC Member, Wins BBVA Foundation Award
The Spanish-based BBVA Foundation has awarded its fourth "Frontiers of Knowledge" Award in the category of Economics, Finance and Management to British economist Angus Deaton, who is a professor at Princeton University and who also previously served as a member of the CERGE-EI Executive and Supervisory Committee (ESC) from 1996-1999.
May 22, 2012 Read more: Angus Deaton, Former ESC Member, Wins BBVA Foundation Award