E. Hala Symposium on Thermodynamics

Organised by the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals
Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Professor Eduard Hala (who passed away in August 1989), at that times - besides a lot of other scientific and managing activities - head of the Group of Chemical Thermodynamics of the Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, would live to be eighty in December 1999.

On this occasion, the "Eduard Hala Symposium on Thermodynamics" will be organised, devoted to the field that he loved. The Symposium will be held on 7-9 October, 1999 in Prague; the Symposium language will be English. The contributions of his students, friends and researchers working in the field will be presented. Besides, commemorative papers shall also be included.

The main lecture - and the first one in series of "E. Hála Lectures" - will be delivered by Professor Arnost Reiser (Brooklyn Polytechnic). He wrote together with E. Hala famous textbooks on physical chemistry hitherto used by several generations of students.

Venue: Czech Chemical Societies Association Club - Novotneho lavka 5, Praha 1
Everybody is welcome to attend all lectures, however, in the social programme only registered participants can take part.


Friday, 8 October 1999, Room 443

9.00 - Opening

9.15 - The first "Eduard Hala Lecture" A. Reiser (Polytechnical Institute, Brooklyn, USA): Remembering Eduard Hala
10.00 - T. Boublik (Charles University, Praha): From the van Laar parameters to statistical thermodynamics
10.15 - J. Pouchly (Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR, Praha): Association in liquid mixtures and in polymer solutions

10.30 - Coffee break

11.00 - P. Alessi (Universita di Trieste, Trieste, Italy): High pressure equilibria (supercritial fluids)
11.30 - J. Vejrosta, P. Karasek P., J. Pol (Institute of Analytical Chemistry ASCR, Brno): Determination of solute distribution coefficients between water and supercritical CO2 by dynamic method
11.45 - M. Roth (Institute of Analytical Chemistry ASCR, Brno): Partial molar properties of solutes in dilute supercritical mixtures from chromatographic retention
12.00 - U. Onken (Technische Universitaet, Dortmund, FRG): The Dortmund Data Bank - tool for calculating and predicting phase equilibria
Poster - K. Hlavatý (Czech Hydrometeorolog. Inst., Praha): Real time ozone concentration over Europe from satellite

13-14 - Lunch

14.00 - I. Wichterle (EHLT, Praha): Continuation of Eduard Hala's legacy
14.15 - J. de Swaan Arons (Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands): Thermodynamics. Key discipline for the design of a sustainable society
15.00 - I. Nezbeda (EHLT, Praha): From hard spheres to primitive models of water
15.15 - K. Aim (EHLT, Praha): Properties of real fluids from simple interaction potentials

15.30 - Coffee break

16.00 - V. Ruzicka (PICT, Praha): Vapour pressure and related thermal data of organic pollutants: measurement, correlation, prediction
16.15 - V. Dohnal (PICT, Praha): Study of hydrogen bonding aggregation by thermodynamic and NMR probes. Methanol with chloroform or halothane
16.30 - H. Knapp (Technische Universitaet, Berlin, FRG): The art of separation

Saturday, 9 October 1999, Room 418

9.00 - A. Szafranski (Institute of Industrial Chemistry, Warszawa, Poland): Thermodynamics of solid-liquid equilibria in organic compound systems
9.30 - J. Linek (EHLT, Praha): Bibliography of vapour-liquid equilibrium data
9.45 - P. Chuchvalec (PICT, Praha): Databases of critically evaluated and consistent thermodynamic data
10.00 - A. Malijevsky (PICT, Praha): Thermodynamic behaviour of hard sphere mixtures
10.15 - M. Lisal (EHLT, Praha): Computer simulation of systems with chemical reaction

10.30 - Coffee break

11.00 - S. Kemeny (Technical University, Budapest, Hungary): Parameter estimation of EOS models when they are incomplete
11.30 - V. Majer (Univ. Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand): Use of the thermodynamic models for understanding equilibria in geological fluids
11.45 - Z. Wagner (EHLT, Praha): Application of gnostic theory to physico-chemical data
12.00 - J. Kolafa (EHLT, Praha): From van der Waals equation of state to global phase diagrams

12.15 - Closure

12.30 - Lunch

EHLT = E. Hala Laboratory of Thermodynamics, Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR
PICT = Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
ASCR = Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic


(registered participants only)

Thursday, 7 October 1999, 18-20 hrs. - Informal mixer with glass of wine
Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals, Convention Rooms

Friday, 8 October 1999, 19-22 hrs. - Banquet
Villa Lanna

Coffee and lunches at the Symposium site on Friday and Saturday are included.

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Last revision was made on 4 October 1999