The aim of this project was to provide reliable data and information on the real and effective distribution of (teaching-related) costs of higher education. The shares of public and private costs were calculated for students of different socio-economic origin, reflecting social d...
Project duration: 2006 to 2007
Authors: Matějů, Petr, Blanka Řeháková, Natalie Simonová
The chapter addresses a hypothesis according to which inequality in access to higher education did not decrease during socialism, while it has grown during the post-communist transformation. The analysis revealed that the only significant change that occurred during socialism was...
Authors: Hašková, Hana
The author argues that there were four critical junctures that institutionalized a specific path of childcare in the Czech Republic. This policy path established the norm that mothers stay at home with children for 3 years and it also led to one of the highest percentag...
Authors: Schwarzenberger, Astrid (ed.)
The aim of this project was to provide reliable data and information on the real and effective distribution of (teaching-related) costs of higher education. The shares of public and private costs were calculated for students of different socio-economic origin, reflecting social d...
Authors: Večerník, Jiří
This article draws on income surveys from the last two decades to report on trends in earnings disparities and household income inequality in the Czech Republic. Education has been the main axis of change in this area, having acquired a much greater role in the entire process of...
Authors: Hraba, Joseph, Rehan Mullick, Frederick O. Lorenz, Jiří Večerník, Allan McCutcheon
Educated Czechs fared poorly during the communist regime (1948-89) but havedone relatively well since the Velvet Revolution. This phase change is consistentwith transition theory and suggests that educated Czechs may be more supportiveof the postcommunist reforms as a consequence...
Authors: Simonová, Natalie, Dimonik Antonowitz
This article aims to compare development in tackling educational inequalities and attempt to evaluate their policies and reforms from the beginning of socialism to-date in the Czech Republic and Poland. A considerable difference in the number of higher education institutions emer...
Authors: Matějů, Petr, Natalie Simonová
The paper addresses the development of higher education in the Czech Republic after 1989, with a special emphasis to the relevant legislation, institutional settings, financing and enrollment. The most significant structural changes in the Czech tertiary education system addresse...
Authors: Simonová, Natalie, David Greger
The book addresses the issue of inequality and inequity in access to education, with a particular emphasis on the role of educational policies. It does so by providing an overview of the main theoretical approaches to the issue and an inventory of existing indicators on which the...
Authors: Konečný, Tomáš, Josef Basl, Jan Mysliveček, Natalie Simonová
The study compares the potential effects of a university admission exam model based on program-specific knowledge and an alternative model relying on general study aptitude (GSA) in the context of a strongly stratified educational system with considerable excess of demand over su...
Authors: Matějů, Petr, Blanka Řeháková, Natalie Simonová
The primary aim of the paper is to compare the development of inequality in access to higher education during the communist and post-communist regimes by testing hypotheses about the effects of economic and cultural dimensions of socio-economic background and gender on the odds o...
Authors: Smith, Michael L.
An extended book review that overviews the arguments, data and analysis of the book Nerovné šance na vzdělaní (Unequal Chances in Education), edited by Petr Mateju and Jana Strakova.
Authors: Matějů, Petr, Blanka Řeháková, Natalie Simonová
The aim of this study is to address the question of how inequalities in access to tertiary education have evolved in the Czech Republic. With an understanding of the basic parameters of both the contemporary political and institutional reforms and those in effect prior to Novembe...
Authors: Matějů, Petr, Michael L. Smith
This article analyzes changes in the determination of Czech educational aspirations from 1989 to 2003, on the basis of social origin, ability, gender and other factors. The empirical research is based on a comparison of Czech data from the "Rodina ’89" and the 200...
Higher education is becoming increasingly important in knowledge societies and, simultaneously, undergoing a rapid and profound change. The present project explores contemporary transformations
Project duration: 2011 to 2013
Educational Aspirations in a Comparative Perspective. The role of individual, contextual and structural factors in the formation of educational aspirations in OECD countries - Petr Matějů, Petr Soukup, Josef Basl
Prof. Matějů joins a small international group of academics and professionals who will work collaboratively over the next year to address a topic of global significance
Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 210 310 591
Sociologický časopis je recenzovaný vědecký časopis publikující původní příspěvky k poznání společnosti od českých i zahraničních autorů. Vychází od roku 1965.
Quality and Inequality in Education
