Completed project

Transformations in professional and family trajectories in the Czech Republic

Project duration: 
2007 to 2009

The research project focuses on a description and analysis of relations between professional career and family life and their development in the Czech Republic after 1989. It combines a diachronic approach based on comparison of the employment patterns of cohorts having children after 1989 with older cohorts, and an analysis of factors contributing to the differentiation of strategies of work/family balance in 1990s. Specifically, it aims to analyse changes in timing of the transition to parenthood and in men’s and women’s employments patterns over the family course. The emphasis is given to analysis of their differentiation according gender, qualification, values and family forms. Project is based on a secondary analysis of existing data files. The findings will help explain changes in family behaviour in 1990 s and the impacts of economic and social changes on work and family arrangements.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech science foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 22, displaying 1 - 10)

Soukupová, Eva

Using the model family method and child benefit packages this text illustrates how family policies in seventeen European countries deal with New Social Risk through the financial support provided to families by governments.

family, social policy
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
Chaloupková, Jana

The article presents specific method of the study of the life-course which focuses on the life-course trajectories as a whole – the sequence analysis. Contrary to event-oriented perspective holistic approach does not focus mainly on single life event but on a whole sequence of events. It enables to identify typical patterns of trajectories and to study the change in their diversity. The article also presents several examples using data on family history.

Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Chaloupková, Jana
work, parenting, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
Chaloupková, Jana
parenting, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Public event or educational activity
Hamplová, Dana

This paper explores the stability of men’s the first employment in the Czech Republic between 1989-2005. The first hypothesis based on globalization theory predicts an increase of job mobility. The second one expects that changes in job mobility reflect economic cycle, whereas third one predicts a temporal increase in the job mobility at the beginning of 1990s due to sector restructuring. Analyses of Social Cohesion Survey 2006 data do not confirm an increase of young men’s work mobility.

economics, globalisation, migration and mobility, work
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Chaloupková, Jana

This chapter compares family trajectories of young adults in 1990s with an older birth cohort. It uses entropy analysis to measure change in the heterogeneity of early family trajectories. The findings based on ISSP 2002 confirm that the family situations of cohorts born from the 1970s are becoming more diverse and de-standardized. However, the cohort born in the 1980s experience less diverse family statuses in their early twenties than older birth cohorts.


value orientations, parenting, family, lifestyle
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Chaloupková, Jana

This chapter presents a concept of the transition into adulthood and the changes of this process in the contemporary societies. Using ESS 2006 data it shows that the social definition of adulthood is connected more closely with an economical independence than with a family formation. It shows that there are differences in attitudes to ideal timing of family formation and its real timing in Europe.


work, parenting, age and ageing
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Chaloupková, Jana

This study focuses on work and family trajectories between the ages of 18 and 35. It uses sequence analysis, which provides a complex description of trajectories in the holistic way. Based on module on work and family history collected as a part of ISSP 2002 in the Czech Republic, types of early work and family trajectories of cohorts born 1919–1967 are identified and the development of diversity of trajectories across cohorts is explored.

work, parenting, family, age and ageing
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chaloupková, Jana

This dissertation explores the changes in professional and family starts of young men and
women in the Czech Republic. It compares an early family and work trajectories of persons,
who reached adulthood in 1990s and those theirs family and work starts occurred before 1989.
Theoretical and methodological background of this study draws upon a holistic approach to
the life-course study and a sequence analysis. The empirical analyses focus on three domains:

work, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Mitchell, Eva

Kapitola nahlíží na problematiku slaďování péče o děti a pracovních povinností z pohledu rodinného rozpočtu a snaží se odpovědět na otázky, zda česká rodinná politika ve srovnání s ostatními evropskými systémy napomáhá sdílení péče o malé děti oběma rodiči, jaký zásah do rozpočtu znamená umístění batolete do jeslí či mateřské školy a nakolik je (ne)výhodné zůstat s dítětem několik let doma.


wages and incomes, work, family, social policy
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
