Completed project

Procesy a zdroje genderových nerovností v pracovních drahách žen v souvislosti s proměnou české společnosti po roce 1989 a členstvím v ČR v EU

Project duration: 
2007 to 2009

Projekt mapuje faktory, zdroje a souvislosti procesů a mechanismů genderových nerovností na českém trhu práce v souvislosti se změnami české společnosti po roce 1989 a v souvislosti se vstupem ČR do EU. Projekt využívá kvalitativní sociologickou metodologii, zarámovanou sekundární analýzou dat z kvantitativních sociologických šetření, přičemž důraz je kladen na biografické vyprávění žen v různých fázích životního cyklu a v situacích, kdy jsou ohroženy znevýhodněním na trhu práce (zkušenost s nezaměstnaností) v kombinaci s kategoriemi: fáze mateřství, výše dosaženého vzdělání a věk.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech science foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 29, displaying 21 - 29)

Křížková, Alena

This publication presents a quantitative look at the issue of gender segregation – a statistical image – and a qualitative image of the social reality of women’s labour as portrayed in contemporary Czech television serials. The analysis showed that the Czech labour market continues to be and has long been heavily segregated and the degree of segregation is only decreasing very slowly.

gender, work
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Křížková, Alena, Zdeněk Sloboda

This publication presents a quantitative look at the issue of gender segregation – a statistical image – and a qualitative image of the social reality of women’s labour as portrayed in contemporary Czech television serials. The analysis showed that the Czech labour market continues to be and has long been heavily segregated and the degree of segregation is only decreasing very slowly.

gender, media, work
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Křížková, Alena, Hašková, Hana

The focus in the following article lies on the interconnection between employment and care in the Czech Republic. To begin with we present the institutional framework for gender equality that has been introduced in the Czech Republic during the EUaccession period.

gender, work, social inequalities
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Křížková, Alena, Formánková, Lenka

In this article we analyze to which extend the flexible working-time arrangements help to combine the caring and working responsibilities and what the consequences of the use of such arrangements in the corporate environment. The case study describes the individual experiences of mothers with dependent children with the flexible working arrangements in one international food company.

gender, work, lifestyle
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Hašková, Hana

The book focuses on the phenomenon of childlessness in the Czech society. Specifically, the aim of the book was to identify the factors contributing to childlessness and the increase in the percentage of the childless in young adult population, and to explore the understanding (definitions) of childlessness by the childless.


gender, parenting
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Křížková, Alena, Mrčela-Kanjuo, Aleksandra, Nagy, Beata

In this article we compare the three post-socialist countries during the period of economic transition and accession to the EU (2000-2005) from the standpoint of gender equality in the labour market. We assume that the position of men and women in labour markets is influenced by three interrelated factors that differ in the three countries: 1. the situation in the labour market; 2. mechanisms for the reconciliation of work and the family; and 3.

gender, wages and incomes, work
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Maříková, Hana
parenting, family, social policy
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Křížková, Alena

The paper traces the contexts and processes of gender inequality and gender discrimination in the Czech labour market. The primary innovation of the research is the use of qualitative sociological methodology. Quantitative sociological research alone has thus far been unable to uncover the factors, contexts and actors´ understandings of gender inequality and discrimination.

gender, work, social inequalities
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Hašková, Hana

Drawing on 48 biographic narratives, I examine the decisions post-1989 Czech mothers made about when and how to combine caring for children with making a living.

care, work, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
