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Found 254 publications (displayed results 1 - 20)
2013, Šafr, Jiří, Bernardyová Kateřina
regions, sociological data, public opinion
Other publication
2013, Šafr, Jiří, Bernardyová Kateřina
regions, sociological data, public opinion
Other publication
2013, Šafr, Jiří, Bernardyová Kateřina
regions, sociological data, public opinion
Other publication
2013, Mikešová, Renata
regions, sociological data, public opinion
Other publication
2012, Šustrová, Klára, Šimon, Martin

Výzkum životního stylu obyvatel měst a venkova představuje klasické téma sociálněvědního výzkumu. Jako příklady můžeme uvést Töniessův koncept Gesellschaft – Gemeinschaft, Simmelovu blazeovanost velkoměstského života či Durkheimovo rozdělení mechanické a organické solidarity. Dominantními migračními směry minulých století bylo masivní stěhování do měst, vystřídané v posledních letech stabilizací prostorových vzorců rozmístění obyvatelstva.

housing, urban and rural studies, migration and mobility, lifestyle
Chapter in monograph
2013, Šimon, Martin

The study provides a basic comparative demographic analysis of regions in the Central European area. It is particularly focused on population shrinkage and population ageing which is present at the regional level in all the countries in Central Europe. Firtly, information about the territorial scope and thematic focus of the study is described. Secondly, a demographic and socio-economic analysis of shrinking and growing regions and cities in Central Europe for the last ten years is provided.

regions, age and ageing, public policy
Other publication
2013, Ouředníček, Martin, Novák, Jakub, Šimon, Martin

V posledních dvou desetiletích dochází k významné proměně migračních preferencí i migračního chování obyvatelstva v Česku. Tato tendence je ovlivňována postsocialistickou transformací i demografickými, ekonomickými a technologickými změnami uplatňujícími se v Evropě. Příspěvek přináší dokumentaci migrační bilance v posledních dvou desetiletích (1992-2010) se zvláštním zaměřením na kategorii nejmenších obcí s méně než 500 obyvateli.

urban and rural studies, migration and mobility, regions
Paper published in conference proceedings
2013, Jehlička, Petr, Tomáš Kostelecký, Joe Smith

Food systems are of increasing interest in both research and policy communities. Surveys of post-socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) show high rates of food self-provisioning. These practices have been explained in terms of being ‘coping strategies of the poor’. Alber and Kohler’s ‘Informal Food Production in the Enlarged European Union’ (2008) offers a prominent account of this argument, supported by quantitative data.

EU, politics (and political attitudes)
Article with impact factor
2012, Bernard, Josef
urban and rural studies, elections (and polls)
Article with impact factor
2012, Šimon, Martin

Urban-rural research in post-socialist countries has focused on urban transformation, the impact of international migration and the spread of suburbanisation; little attention has been paid to counterurban migration. The aim of this article is to propose a typology of counterurban migration strategies based on quantitative research in rural areas in the Czech Republic.

economics, migration and mobility, lifestyle
Article with impact factor
2012, Bernard, Josef
urban and rural studies, regions
Article with impact factor
2012, Kostelecký, Tomáš, Věra Patočková, Michal Illner

The article examines regeneration policies in Prague. After introducing the concept of regeneration and regeneration theories and reviewing foreign cases of regeneration of problem neighbourhoods, the authors analyse the situation in Prague focusing on two selected city districts.

regions, public policy
Article with impact factor
2012, Mikešová, Renáta

The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources for the area of non-industrial sectors of culture. The second part deals with the results of own survey Culture in the regions of the ČR 2011.

EU, regions, public policy
Chapter in monograph
2012, Gorčíková, Magdaléna, Jiří Šafr

The monograph deals with intergenerational transmition of social inequalities during family socialization employing data from the survey "Distinction and Values" (2008) which surveyed cohorts ages 30–34 along with their parents. The results show: 1. strong reproduction of social status/class position and also partly lifestyle (leisure activities) in adulthood – it is determined by class position of parents jointly with family’s accessible resources (social and cultural capital); 2.

value orientations, family, social inequalities
Chapter in monograph
2012, Vojtíšková, Kateřina

The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources for the area of non-industrial sectors of culture. The second part deals with the results of own survey Culture in the regions of the ČR 2011.

public policy, public administration, lifestyle
Chapter in monograph
2012, Šafr, Jiří, Tereza Bariekzahyová

The monograph deals with intergenerational transmition of social inequalities during family socialization employing data from the survey "Distinction and Values" (2008) which surveyed cohorts ages 30–34 along with their parents. The results show: 1. strong reproduction of social status/class position and also partly lifestyle (leisure activities) in adulthood – it is determined by class position of parents jointly with family’s accessible resources (social and cultural capital); 2.

value orientations, family, social inequalities
Chapter in monograph
2012, Vojtíšková, Kateřina

The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources for the area of non-industrial sectors of culture. The second part deals with the results of own survey Culture in the regions of the ČR 2011.

regions, public policy, public administration
Chapter in monograph
2012, Patočková, Věra, Ondřej Špaček, Jiří Šafr

The monograph deals with intergenerational transmition of social inequalities during family socialization employing data from the survey "Distinction and Values" (2008) which surveyed cohorts ages 30–34 along with their parents. The results show: 1. strong reproduction of social status/class position and also partly lifestyle (leisure activities) in adulthood – it is determined by class position of parents jointly with family’s accessible resources (social and cultural capital); 2.

value orientations, family, lifestyle
Chapter in monograph
2012, Poláková, Markéta, Daniel Čermák

The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources for the area of non-industrial sectors of culture. The second part deals with the results of own survey Culture in the regions of the ČR 2011.

regions, lifestyle
Chapter in monograph
2012, Lorencová, Radmila

The first part of the book brings the description of the concept of culture, the overview of legislation, analyses of conceptual and strategic documents related to culture, analyses of available data about the culture infrastructure and an overview of available financial sources for the area of non-industrial sectors of culture. The second part deals with the results of own survey Culture in the regions of the ČR 2011.

economics, regions, public administration, lifestyle
Chapter in monograph
