Completed project

The Context of Changes in the Labour Market and Forms of Private, Family and Partner Life in Czech Society

Project duration: 
2004 to 2007

The objective of the project is to identify the main changes in the labour market and to study their context and impact on the organisation of private life among Czech people. The project focuses on the changing forms of partner and family cohabitation, upbringing, and the plurality of life strategies and lifestyles. It analyses the interaction between the work and domestic spheres in Czech society, where they overlap, and how they influence one another. Using large-scale qualitative research and ten qualitative probes focusing on the specific groups and segments of society indicative of the trends and directions of social development the project aims to contribute to explaining the interaction between changes in the labour market and the organisation of private life among the Czech population, especially changes and the development of new forms of private, family and partner life among individual groups of the population, and to evaluating people’s life perspectives, strategies and satisfaction.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Government ministry project

Project publications (total 40, displaying 11 - 20)

Dudová, Radka

This volume looks at the risks affecting the private life of individuals, risks that have been ushered in by changes in the labour market, and it examines whether the shape of the family is changing in the Czech Republic and what groups are most affected by and who most at risk from these changes. The authors also examine the ways in which work life and the private or intimate sphere interact and how individuals cope with the effects of one sphere on the other.

work, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Dudová, Radka, Vohlídalová, Marta

The process of the individualization of the society has already been in progress for several centuries. One of its consequences is the increase of differences among individuals, the advocacy of the individual interests instead of the collective ones and mostly the growth of the space for free choices and decisions. The second side of the increasing freedom is the growth of the insecurity. However, this process is irreversible.

gender, parenting, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Non-peer-reviewed article
Víznerová, Hana

The chapter is based on a qualitative study of Ukraine immigrants – mothers living in the CR. It analyses the barriers that these women encounter on the labour market in the Czech Republic and the ways they realise their motherhood.


gender, migration and mobility, work, parenting
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Křížková, Alena, Marta Vohlídalová

Autorky v článku mapují teoretické argumenty genderové dimenze sociálního státu. Navrhují tři integrální dimenze konceptualizace rodičovství v české společnosti a na trhu práce: 1) právo být rodičem a právo pracovat, 2) rovnost či nediskriminaci v rodičovství, 3) příležitost dosáhnout kombinace pracovního a soukromého života.


gender, wages and incomes, care, work, social inequalities
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor
Hašková, Hana

Analysis of factors influencing reproductive preferences and behavior of Czech men and women. Focus on factors that influence transition to parenthood. Census data and data from two representative sample surveys are used. Four factors are identified: situational, economic, neighborhood and wish for a child. Economic factors differentiate between young and older generations.

parenting, sociological data
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Other publication
Hašková, Hana

The author analyzes impact of various factors on reproductive preferences and behavior of Czech men and women. She focuses on those factors that influence the transition from childlessness to parenthood. She uses Census data and data from three large representative surveys.

parenting, sociological data
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Other publication
Tabery, Paulína

The study presents a qualitative analysis of texts on family, partnership, and working life published in men’s and women’s magazines. The objective of the analysis is to examine how family, partnership, and working life are represented in these media.

gender, media, human relations, work, family
Public Opinion Research Centre
Type of publication:
Víznerová, Hana, Marta Vohlídalová

This volume looks at the risks affecting the private life of individuals, risks that have been ushered in by changes in the labour market, and it examines whether the shape of the family is changing in the Czech Republic and what groups are most affected by and who most at risk from these changes. The authors also examine the ways in which work life and the private or intimate sphere interact and how individuals cope with the effects of one sphere on the other.

Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Bierzová, Jana

The chapter is based on a qualitative study of professionals working from home using new technologies of communication. It reveals the positives and the negatives that this type of work brings for different people depending on their gender and family situation.


gender, work, family
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Dudová, Radka

Mothers as heads of one-parent families become very often the only breadwinners for their families, while still being the primary carers for their children. This leads to the worsening of the economical situation of their families. The results of my research presented in this article show further the barriers that women encounter while trying to provide for their families and the values that intervene in their work life choices.

gender, work, parenting
Gender & Sociology
Type of publication:
Article with impact factor


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