Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Research subjects at department 11

Magnetic nanoparticles are under intensive research due to their promising potential applications, e.g. in magnetic recording, spintronics, catalysis and biomedical applications. We study the fundamental magnetic properties of the nanoparticles with the purpose on the correlation of the intrinsic crystallinity, interparticle interactions and presence of surface spins with the magnetic response of these materials. We participate in several projects:

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Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM) is the method derived from the Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), allowing visualization of the magnetic contrast (different orientation of magnetic moments) and is based on the measurement of the magnetic probe-sample interaction. Imaging of magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) is non-trivial because of the principal complications [1-3] (contribution of Van der Waals forces into the contrast, Fig.  The full text >>

We study fundamental properties of superfluidity and the turbulent state of superfluid 4He, known as quantum turbulence (QT).

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We study magnetism and magneto-elasticity of rare-earth and uranium intermetallic compounds with high content of 3d-metal (Fe and Co). They combine the localized magnetism of the f-electron sublattice with the itinerant magnetism of the 3d-sublattice and belong to an important class of modern magnetic materials. The work is usually performed on high-quality single crystals grown in our lab.

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