Main goal of this project is to identify how local communities understand to idea of partnership and participation, to what extent and with what instruments is participation realized and what structures of partnership are created between particular actors.
Project publications (total 29, displaying 1 - 10)
Sociological research of local government and the electoral results support a conclusion that a number of women in the representative bodies of the municipalities and the regions increases and in a European context it is somewhere in between. The women representation is larger in smaller municipalities and they are elected as a Mayor more frequently than in the larger ones.
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contains both theoretical framework and practical examples in studied area of partnership and participation in municipalities and regions.
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contains both theoretical framework and practical examples in studied area of partnership and participation in municipalities and regions.
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contains both theoretical framework and practical examples in studied area of partnership and participation in municipalities and regions.
Při uvažování o sociologické kategorii sociálního kapitálu je třeba brát v úvahu jeho dvě základní polohy. V první řadě kontakty, sociální sítě s důrazem na formální členství v dobrovolných organizacích, v druhé řadě pak jakousi formu psychologického majetku jednotlivce či skupiny, důvěru jak v ostatní občany, tak ve společenské instituce a celou komunitu
[Johnson, Soroka 2001].
The article deals with social network analysis of the public, private and non-profit institutions that are considered the most important actors in local development. The study was carried out in three small Czech towns. The conclusions indicate the unconditional significance of local public administration institutions and a significance of the other local institutions; the relations toward the extra-local institutions are rather weak.
The main objective of this book is to analyse the processes of cooperation, partnership and participation in local public administration. The authors ask: How local actors understand to these processes, what are main assets and shortcomings of mentioned processes? The book contains both theoretical framework and practical examples in studied area of partnership and participation in municipalities and regions.
This paper try to show how often and in what context the terms "partnership" and "participation" occurred in selected Czech printed mass media. Context in which the terms social capital and social cohesion occurred in selected Czech printed mass media is also briefly discussed.
The chapter deals with a comparison of theoretical claims on processual features of community care planning and the reality of their application in praxis. The participative features of the process are accentuated in the chapter. The author shows that there exist some institutional specifics in the social care system in the Czech Republic which make the implementation of participatory ideals difficult.
The electoral programmes of the political parties and the Government declaration from 2006 were subjected to content analysis. The aim was to find the selected key words in the documents as cooperation, trust, cohesion etc. that point to a respect to the principles of democratic governance and citizens’ participation. The frequencies of the key words found in the documents are small and their context not convincing.