Astronomický ústav AV ČR   Ondřejov

Fričova 298
251 65 Ondřejov

Tel. +420 323649201
Fax: +420 323620 110, 117

Akademie věd
České republiky



Konkurz na místo post-doktoranda ve Stelárním oddělení

Astronomický ústav vyhlašuje konkurz na místo post-doktoranda ve Stelárním oddělení na téma struktury a dynamiky disků a větrů hmotných hvězd. Nástup se předpokládá v březnu 2014 nebo později a doba trvání až do roku 2016. Uzávěrka příjmu přihlášek je 10. 1. 2014.

Detaily výzvy v anglickém jazyce:

Post-doctoral position in stellar astrophysics

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral position in the Stellar Physics Department of the Astronomical Institute. The successful applicant will work with Dr. Michaela Kraus on the structure and dynamics of disks and winds of B[e] supergiants and Luminous Blue Variables in the frame of the project "Unveiling the mass-loss history of evolved massive stars". The applicant should have experience with either observations (infrared spectroscopy and/or interferometry) and data reduction and analysis, or with numerical modeling and radiation transfer. In addition the suitable candidate is expected to have a background in massive star evolution, stellar winds, circumstellar disks, dust and molecules. The applicant should have a university PhD degree, preferably in Astronomy or Physics, at the time of arrival.

The Stellar Physics Department of the Astronomical Institute is located on the observatory campus in Ondrejov, which is situated approximately 30 km south-east of Prague. The stellar department operates a 2m telescope with a coude spectrograph, which is suitable for studies of bright objects (e.g., B-type stars). Czech Republic is a member state of both ESO and ESA, and has access to ESO facilities. The department includes about a dozen active researchers, with a total of about 60 scientists working at the Astronomical Insititute. The department offers excellent computing facilitities, running under Linux, and including data reduction programmes such as IRAF. Researchers of the Stellar Physics Department also have free access to the computer cluster (

The salary will be based on the standard domestic scale. The starting date is expected to be March 2014 or later (subject to negotiation). The position is initially for one year but extension will be possible upon satisfactory scientific results and publication output until at least the end of 2016.

Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, including a list of publications and a summary of the research interests and plans, and arrange to have two letters of recommendation sent (preferentially electronically) to the director of the Institute at the following address:

Astronomical Institute of the ASCR, v.v.i.
Att. Prof. Vladimir Karas, director
Fricova 298
CZ-251 65 Ondrejov
Czech Republic

The closing date for applications is 10th January 2014. For informal inquiries please feel free to contact Dr. Michaela Kraus (

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