Authors: Vojtíšková, Kateřina
The monograph presents review of theoretical frameworks of studying of sociocultural and symbolical inequalities. It pursues relational aspect of inequalities and their cultural dimension (social identity, symbolical placement, cultural praxis). According culturalistic approach i...
Authors: Lux, Martin, Petr Sunega
In situation, when Czech government is not willing and has not sufficient financial means for building cost-based social rental housing, the future of rental housing in the Czech Republic is necessarily connected with private rental housing. The chapter includes description of hi...
Authors: Machonin, Pavel, Milan Tuček
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Authors: Kolářová, Marta
The monograph presents review of theoretical frameworks of studying of sociocultural and symbolical inequalities. It pursues relational aspect of inequalities and their cultural dimension (social identity, symbolical placement, cultural praxis). According culturalistic approach i...
Authors: Tuček, Milan
The monograph discusses following social cohesion issues in the Czech society: social inequalities, social tension, social justice, trust and legitimacy, cohesion in spatial dimension, and influence of bridging social capital on social cohesion. Though the widely held agreement e...
Authors: Vojtíšková, Kateřina
This text focuses on how Czech people re-construct the divisions and inequalities, how they define social categories and classes in the Czech society, and how people distinguish and distance themselves from or identify with these categories/classes. The qualitative analysis is ba...
Authors: Uhde, Zuzana
The author of this article focuses on the theoretical framework of the concept of care as a critical category of social inequality in order to outline possibilities for a redefinition of the relationship between work and care. Gender inequalities as well as inequalities that are...
Projekt „Sdílené hodnoty a normy chování jako zdroj posilování sociální koheze a překonávání negativních dopadů sociální diferenciace v ČR“ předkládá do soutěže v rámci Národního programu výzkumu II tým složený ze dvou pracovišť. Konkrétně z Centra sociálních a ekonomických strat...
Project duration: 2005 to 2009
Český vzdělávací systém patří k nejvíce selektivním systémům a sociální nerovnosti v přístupu k vyššímu vzdělání patří k největším ve vyspělých zemích (OECD). Nedávno provedené analýzy ukázaly, že vývoj po roce 1989 nevedl v tomto směru k výrazné změně k lepšímu, spíše naopak. Me...
Project duration: 2002 to 2004
Authors: Šafr, Jiří (ed.)
The monograph presents review of theoretical frameworks of studying of sociocultural and symbolical inequalities. It pursues relational aspect of inequalities and their cultural dimension (social identity, symbolical placement, cultural praxis). According culturalistic approach i...
A vast number of studies conducted by the OECD and World Bank has well-documented that those countries reforming their educational systems and eliminating a variety of socio-economic barriers causing inequal access to education are today world leaders in competitiveness and econo...
Project duration: 2003 to 2008
The objective of the project is to make a comprehensive, theoretically framed, and empirically grounded, context-based description of the transformation of housing conditions in the CR after 1990, including both the identification of the main causes of this development and an ana...
Project duration: 2008 to 2010
Authors: Křížková, Alena, Penner, Andrew M., Petersen, Trond
Using firm-level data from the Czech Republic in the years 1998, 2002, and 2004, we examine whether the introduction of legislative measures for gender equality connected with the accession to the European Union had significant effects on gender wage gaps. The central conclusion...
Authors: Lux, Martin
The authors of the book „Housing – Res Publica“ describe the development of housing policies in selected developed and transitional societies and they especially provide the description and comparison of different systems of social housing and housing allowances...
Authors: Tuček, Milan
This publication is based on the results of project research and is aimed at being more than just a volume of studies by individual authors. The introductory, theoretical chapter, devoted to a discussion of concepts of research on social solidarity (J. Šafr, M. Sedláčková, (with...
Authors: Vajdová, Zdenka (ed.)
A role of social capital and of its individual dimensions working at overcoming the impacts of economic crises is analysed. Study focuses on a detailed analysis of the inhabitants of the Kraj Vysočina with a supposed high level of social capital, and of Ustecky kraj with a suppos...
Sociologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i., si Vás dovoluje pozvat na čtvrteční seminář, kde vystoupí JIŘÍ ŠAFR s přednáškou
